When Higgins got in his groove It’s an unbelievable story really,” said Mark Williams. “Two months ago I was thinking about chucking it in and here I am now, bollock naked, doing an interview having just won the 2018 world championship, beating John Higgins 18-16. Where’s it come from?”
 The Welshman was not alone in asking the question. Players and fans alike were trying to get their heads round a final that swung one way then the other over the course of its two days, and required 34 of the maximum 35 frames to reach a verdict. For the media, they had to adapt to the sight of Williams conducting his first press conference as champion in nothing but a towel – and that a gesture towards modesty made only at the insistence of the promoter, Barry Hearn. Talk about a winning streak. Williams, as a joke of course, had pledged to speak to the press in the buff in the event of becoming champion. He had failed to qualify for this tournament in 2017 and this time last year was actively contemplating retirement, only to be persuaded otherwise by http://www.cardinalsofficialauthenticonline.com/cardinals+rodney+gunter+jersey his wife, Joanne. In 2018, however, Williams http://www.packersauthenticofficials.com/WOMENS-RICHARD-RODGERS-JERSEY.html has come on strong, winning two ranked tournaments already before his triumphant return to Sheffield – and all at the age of 43. The battle between two graduates of the Class of 92 was just another subplot in a final with no end of them. Williams and Higgins first played each other in the 1994 Thailand Open. Higgins won his first of four world titles in 1998. Williams won his last of two before this in 2003. Theirs was the oldest pairing in the history of the final and Williams is the oldest champion since his fellow Welshman Ray Reardon in 1978. “I went out there to enjoy it. Win or lose, I can honestly say I didn’t really mind‚“ said Williams, whose calmness was the defining aspect of his performance. “I was just enjoying the occasion and it felt amazing. I got a bit emotional in the end but deservedly so, as it’s a big occasion for me. To be honest, I thought these days had all passed.” For Higgins the feelings were different, of course. The Scot lost last year’s final, beaten by an exhilarating comeback from Mark Selby. For much of this final day it looked as if Higgins might achieve a similar feat for himself. Trailing by three frames overnight and at one point 14-7 down, Higgins came back to level the match at 15 frames each only for Williams to clinch it at the last. Asked if this was a more satisfying way to lose, the 42-year-old was concise. “Pain is pain‚” he said. When Higgins got in his groove, he played the final’s best snooker. He hit four Samson Ebukam Authentic Jersey century breaks, including the highest of the match, of 131. Some of his clearances, particularly at the start of the evening session when he won four frames in succession, were breathtaking. He really, nearly pulled it off.“I came in tonight and Mark was ahead by a couple of frames. I cleaned up on him a couple of times and at 15-14 I did it again,” Ryan Callahan Jersey Higgins said. “For the next two frames after that I played a couple of really bad shots at the height of the pressure. But then Mark missed the pink at 17-15 and I’ve knocked the red into the middle and cleaned up.” The pink that bobbled out of the top pocket in the penultimate frame was the type Juston Burris Jersey Williams had been making consistently throughout the match. But in the final evening session funny things began to happen. Williams was unable to build on his breaks, tapping out around 40, and Higgins just kept clearing the table. At one point in the session the Scot had a potting accuracy of 99%. http://facebookhitlist.com/profiles/blogs/majority-jersey http://cguniverse.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10973 http://100trucspour.forumcrea.com/viewtopic.php?pid=25603#p25603 http://123-club.com/oxwall/forum/topic/7510 http://forum.himym.cz/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=40854
Among those hoping for good Enable has lost her place as favourite for the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe following news of a setback that will prevent her from racing for at least three months. The filly has a knee problem and connections are being understandably cautious about the prognosis but expect her to be fit for a pre-run in late summer before trying to win the Arc for a second time.“Enable has met with a setback in training,” said a statement issued on behalf of her owner, Khalid Abdullah. “She http://www.authenticrangershop.com/authentic-13-sergei-nemchinov-jersey.html has some filling in her knee which is being fully investigated. The advice we have is, that given reasonable circumstances, she should be ready to run in August as a preparation for the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe.”
 It is a depressing turn of events for fans of Flat racing, the new season having officially begun only on Saturday. Enable was expected to be one of the stars of the summer, following her exploits last year, when her six consecutive victories included the Oaks, the Irish Oaks and the King George en route to her most recent success at Chantilly in October.She was favourite http://www.coltsfootballofficialstore.com/Frank-Gore-Jersey to win the Arc on its return to its traditional home at the newly reopened Longchamp this autumn but has almost doubled in price to 5-1 since Monday morning. Her stablemate Cracksman has J.T. Thomas Youth jersey taken over at the top of the betting for the French race, with most firms offering no bigger than 11-4 about his chance.
 Lord Grimthorpe, spokesman for Enable’s owner, said there had been no sign of a problem as recently as Friday, when the filly had impressed in “a swinging canter” on Newmarket’s gallops. “She had been doing fantastically well and we were looking forward to her beginning proper work this week,” he said in quotes first reported by the Racing Post.“If it was a minor knock, we might be saying that, while she might not make the Coronation Cup [at Epsom next month], she could still be back later in June. But with this we are going to allow plenty of time for it to hopefully settle down and then aim to get her rolling in August. “I don’t want to be nominating targets at this stage and that’s why I’ve simply said August for now. She’ll tell us long before that if she’s Lardarius Webb Youth jersey going to be ready or not, and we will keep everybody up to date when we know. Prince Khalid has had to deal with quite a lot of bad news over the years and he takes it stoically.”If Enable were to follow the pattern she established last year, she would be seen next in the Yorkshire Oaks on 23 August and would not run between then and the Arc. In view of the late start she will make to this season, it would then be open to connections to take her to the Breeders’ Cup at Churchill Downs in November as a way of closing out what is likely to be her final year as a racehorse. However, there must now be a distinct possibility that Enable has been seen on a racecourse for the final time, since Khalid Abdullah places great value on his hugely successful breeding programme and will be keen to see if she can produce other racers as good as herself. He will surely not countenance her return to action unless his vets can be sure the knee problem is resolved. With that factor doubtless in mind, Betfair punters allowed her to trade as big as 8-1 for the Arc on Monday. Among those hoping for good news are her trainer, John Gosden, and her jockey, Frankie Dettori, though the Italian will at least be spared the agony of having to choose between her and Cracksman when Ascot’s King David Krejci Jersey George comes round in late July. Dettori was effusive in his praise of Enable in October, when told she would be staying in training this year. wholesale nfl jerseys wholesale nfl jerseys cheap jerseys wholesale jerseys cheap jerseys
La brecha de precios en la vivienda en Castelln duplica el salario mnimo: 1.590 euros En la capital convive una oferta inmobiliaria a 1.970 ?el metro2 en Sensal con pisos a 380 ?el m2 en la Guinea, junto al estadio CastaliaEl mercado inmobiliario de Castelln comienza a resurgir de las cenizas de la crisis, aunque el coste del metro cuadrado en la provincia todava est entre un 40% y un 60% por debajo del periodo precrisis. Adems, la larga travesa de la crisis econmica y financiera ha provocado que la brecha de precios de la vivienda se acente por zonas, llegando incluso a duplicar esa diferencia el Salario Mnimo lnterprofesional (SlM), que se sita en 735,90 euros en 2018.En estos momentos, en la ciudad de Castelln conviven realidades totalmente opuestas. La oferta inmobiliaria a un precio de 1.970 euros el metro cuadrado de la zona Sensal y la oferta a 380 euros el metro cuadrado en el barrio de la Guinea, junto al estadio Castalia, as como en la zona Mestrets. Entre ambas hay 1.590 euros el metro cuadrado de diferencia, lo que significa ms del doble del salario mnimo de 735,90 euros.Los datos se extraen del ltimo informe de 2018 que cada ao elabora TecniTasa (Tcnicos en Tasacin SA), sociedad de tasacin independiente de bancos y entidades financieras, sobre los precios mximos y mnimos de las principales ciudades espaolas. Del mismo se puede extraer que es posible adquirir viviendas por un 35% menos de su valor de media con respecto al ejercicio 2008. Una diferencia que ne el caso de Castelln se ampla hasta el 60%, siendo una de las capitales de provincia espaolas donde la brecha es mayor.Adems, Castelln ocupa una de las posiciones ms destacadas en el informe que anualmente elabora TecniTasa y vuelve a tener la oferta inmobiliaria ms barata, esta vez junto a Talavera de la Reina, en la provincia de Toledo, con ubicaciones en diferentes en 2008 y 2017, as como la ciudad de Huesca.En este nuevo informe, TecniTasa ha querido hacer una comparativa de cmo han variado los precios mximos y mnimos del sector inmobiliario en los ltimos diez aos en toda la geografa espaolaHay ciudades en que las zonas de 2008 no son coincidentes con las actuales. En unos casos es as porque efectivamente se ha desplazado el mercado de una a otra rea; en otros casos es debido a que un lugar que en el ao 2008 no se poda considerar representativo de un mercado inmobiliario convencional, ha pasado ahora a serlo, o al contrario. No obstante en la mayora dejos casos las zonas son coincidentes y es importante decir que pese a que no hay comparacin posible s que se puede extraer informacin relevante sobre el mercado de la ciudad y su evolucin global.En el informe se puede observar cmo en el caso de Castelln las zonas ms caras y ms baratas de 2008 y de la actualidad no han variado. As, el metro cuadrado ms econmico tanto en 2008 mimo en 2017 se ubica en el barrio de la Guinea as como en la zona Mestrets, mientras que la oferta inmobiliaria ms elevada se concentra en las zonas de Sensal. Lled y Gumbau de Castelln ciudad.Los valores reflejados de 2008 no son estimaciones retrospectivas, ni extrapolaciones de otros datos u otros informes, sino que se trata de los datos que en su da fueron recogidos por nuestros tcnicos locales para este mismo informe de mximos y mnimos y reflejan, por tanto, la realidad a pie de calle en ese momento. Se trata, por as decirlo, de un tnel del tiempo inmobiliario, informa Fernando Garca Marcos, director tcnico de TecniTasa.En el lado opuesto a Castelln, Madrid y comprar camiseta barça siguen teniendo los precios ms altos de Espaa, pero inferiores a la etapa del boom en casi un 5% y un 17% menos, respectivamente.En Camiseta de Valencia, la Ciudad de las Ciencias es la zona ms cara de la capital, donde hace 10 aos un piso de 135 metros cuadrados podra llegar a tener un valor de 783.000 euros, al cierre de 2017 la diferencia es del 55% y se sita en 353,700 euros, indica el informe de TecniTasa.
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08.05.2018 09:46
Tmpore, la socimi del 'banco malo', sube un 7,7% en el da de su debut en Bolsa Los bancos soltarn al menos 40.000 millones de su lastre inmobiliario este aoLa Sareb vende los primeros prstamos a travs de su plataforma digitalTmpore, socimi de pisos en alquiler de Sareb, sald con una subida del 7,69% su primera jornada en Bolsa, dado que cerr a 11,20 euros por accin, frente al precio de 10,40 euros que fij para su estreno en el parqu, lo que supone valorar la firma en 164,44 millones de euros. La compaa, que cotiza en el MAB, marc un primer precio de 10,90 euros, con lo que subi un 4,8%, si bien super este incremento en el segundo momento de negociacin, al fijar un valor de 11,20 euros, lo que arroja una revalorizacin del 7,69% respecto al precio de inicio. Durante esta primera jornada en el MAB, se intercambiaron 18.952 acciones de la compaa de viviendas en alquiler de Sareb, valoradas en 197.700 euros. La socimi del 'banco malo' inici su negociacin con el tradicional toque de campana en la Bolsa de Madrid protagonizado por el presidente de Sareb, Jaime Echegoyen, y el consejero delegado de la firma, Nicols Daz Saldaa. Los dos directivos remarcaron el objetivo de Tmpore de constituir un "importante actor" en el nuevo sector inmobiliario y saltar al Mercado Continuo en el horizonte de tres aos. Para entonces, Sareb confa en haber reducido a un porcentaje minoritario la participacin de control que actualmente tiene en su firma de pisos de alquiler. Por el momento, Tmpore salta al mercado con una cartera inicial de 1.583 viviendas en renta procedentes de los bancos accionistas de Sareb, ubicadas fundamentalmente en las zonas metropolitanas de Madrid y de la camiseta del barcelona 2018. No obstante, con esta firma, Sareb pretende colocar en el mercado una cartera de un total de 4.200 viviendas de las que tiene en cartera valoradas en unos 500 millones de euros. Plan de crecimiento Para ello, Tmpore cuenta con una estrategia de crecimiento a tres aos en los que ir comprando paquetes de viviendas al 'banco malo' hasta sumar la referida cartera de 4.200 unidades. Estas compras se financiarn mediante ampliaciones de capital con las que la socimi ir dando entrada a nuevos inversiones institucionales y, a la vez, diluyendo a Sareb. La primera adquisicin a Sareb, y tambin la primera ampliacin de capital, est prevista para finales de ao, cuando esta entidad le traspasar 1.108 viviendas por valor de 160 millones, y Tmpore doblar su actual tamao al sumar 2.662 viviendas. En paralelo, la socimi analiza ya oportunidades para comprar otras socimis de pisos en renta o carteras de viviendas en el mercado para cerrar tambin una primera operacin de este tipo a lo largo del ao. Para ello, adems de las ampliaciones, contempla tambin recurrir a financiacin bancaria. Socimis en Bolsa Tmpore se suma as a la oleada de nuevas socimis que inunda el mercado desde hace dos aos. Su debut es adems el segundo de una firma inmobiliaria, despus del de Metrovacesa, de un ao en el que este sector ser protagonista. Para prximos meses se espera la salida a cotizacin de la tambin socimi de pisos en renta Testa Residencial, de la promotora Va Clere y de Haya Real Estate, el 'servicer' inmobiliario espaol propiedad del fondo estadounidense Cerberus.
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08.05.2018 09:40
There have been plenty of occasions this season when Chelsea have appeared broken beyond repair. Their title defence fizzled out early but points had been frittered away before the onset of spring as the campaign degenerated into an apparently hopeless pursuit of Champions League qualification. But in the final week they have given themselves a chance and are on the top four’s shoulder once again.
 By defeating third-placed Liverpool here courtesy of Olivier Womens Nick Ritchie Jersey Giroud’s first‑half goal, a header guided into http://www.officialauthenticfalconshop.com/Nike-Austin-Hooper-Jersey.html the corner as the visitors switched off for Victor Womens Serge Savard Jersey Moses’s cross, their chase is prolonged. All Antonio Conte and his players can do is ensure Huddersfield and Newcastle are beaten in the last five days and then pray , somehow, Tottenham Hotspur or the Champions League finalists slip up in their own appealing home fixtures.
 Success remains a long shot but, as Conte admitted, Chelsea would have considered such a target “impossible” only a month ago. Four wins on the trot have fired hope. The late rally is tinged with regret. Those horribly damaging defeats to Bournemouth and Watford spring to mind when reflecting on a turbulent season, but so might the flurry of draws at the turn of the year or, even, the wasteful 1-1 draw with West Ham only a month ago. When they lost at home to Spurs at the beginning of April, the chasm to fourth had gaped at eight points. “Now we are getting three points in every game and our opponents are dropping points,” Conte said. “Our future is not in our hands but we have to try to put pressure on the teams http://www.officiallakersshoponline.com/Elgin_Baylor_Jersey ahead of us.” Giroud’s goal, cushioned into the corner as he leapt between Virgil van Dijk and Dejan Christian McCaffrey Youth jersey Lovren, and some feverish defending, secured this latest win. Thibaut Courtois was authoritative and imposing. Gary Cahill, rejuvenated over recent weeks, relished the scrap of it all with César Azpilicueta and the excellent Antonio Rüdiger flinging themselves into blocks and challenges at his side. Rüdiger had played with Mohamed Salah at Roma and was instrumental in blunting the footballer of the year. The Egyptian’s frustration saw him booked for a dive over Cahill’s first‑half tackle. For once, he actually seemed rattled. Sadio Mané, in particular, and the substitute Dominic Solanke still threatened to restore parity, Colin Miller Youth jersey but Chelsea would not be breached. Their former academy player twice nodded over http://www.authenticnewyorkmetsshop.com/Jacob-Degrom-Jersey the bar near the end, straining but failing to keep his headers down. His time will come. “He’s a hard-working boy,” said Jürgen Klopp, who had clearly sensed the potential theatre of flinging the 20-year-old into the fray against his former club. “He will be fine in the future.” Klopp will be irritated his team’s final domestic game, against Brighton, may no longer be irrelevant given he would have preferred to rest personnel before the European Cup final in Kiev. Liverpool had required a result on the final day of last season, in a home game against relegated Middlesbrough, to qualify and may now have to repeat that trick. “That’s my life, always going to the last day,” Klopp said. “But I saw Brighton against Manchester United on Friday and they don’t look like an easy game. They were really good that day. But it’s football. If you want guarantees, do something different. The boys have shown me they will try and try and try.” His players certainly did not seem spent after their exertions in Rome in midweek and monopolised the ball for long periods, though they ran aground too often on the clutter in Chelsea’s penalty area. It only took them being marginally off their effervescent best to offer the home side their chance. wholesale nfl jerseys wholesale jerseys wholesale jerseys cheap jerseys cheap jerseys cheap jerseys from china wholesale nfl jerseys from china
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08.05.2018 08:10
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08.05.2018 04:47
De Catanha a Isco: de ventas galcticas a declive del Mlaga
Catahna fue el primer gran traspaso del moderno Mlaga. Fue al Celta. Isco el ms caro. Del ingreso gordo, al declive en dos etapas. Los ciclos se repiten.
Henrique Guedes da Silva atanha?fue el primer traspaso alctico?efectuado por el moderno Mlaga Club de Ftbol. Fichado desde el Salamanca por un total de seis millones de euros. El angrejo Rojo?(uno de los apelativos por el que era conocido) fue mximo goleador en las dos temporadas en que permaneci en La Rosaleda. Fernando Puche era el presidente de aquel Mlaga que haba ascendido en dos temporadas de Segunda B a Primera Divisin. El Mlaga pudo fichar excelentes jugadores gracias a que tena el respaldo econmico del Grupo Zeta, entonces presidido por Antonio Asensio. Pero aquel grifo se cerr y el Mlaga no tuvo ms remedio que ponerse a vender a sus mejores jugadores para equilibrar cuentas. Ya en 2000 haba traspasado a Movilla al Atltico de Madrid por 3.150.000 euros. No fue un caso de necesidad sino de que el jugador deseaba irse al equipo rojiblanco del que era hincha incondicional. Pero lo de Catanha s fue distinto. El Celta pag nada menos que 13,8 millones de euros de la temporada 2000-2001. Una salvajada! Catanha jug sus dos partidos con la Seleccin espaola siendo futbolista del cuadro de Balados. Despus de aquella venta se abri la veda y el Mlaga se transform en un equipo que venda caro y compraba barato con la consigna de revalorizar jugadores para sostener su economa autosuficiente. De esta manera se sucedieron sonados traspaos como Gonzalo De los Santos y Rufete al Valencia por 24 millones de euros ms Gerardo. Y despus Musampa, Daro Silva, o aquella chapucera venta al Getafe de Alexis y Nacho por tres millones de euros. Un ao despus el equipo madrileo traspas al primero por ocho kilos?al <a href="https://www.cfb18.com/valencia-c-7_171/">Camiseta de Valencia</a>. Existen los paralelismos entre aquella poca y la actual. La primera gran venta de la era Al Thani fue la de Rondn (diez millones de euros). Despus Monreal, Cazorla, Camacho, los Samus, Darder o Isco. Por este ltimo se recaudaron 28 millones de euros y que es el traspaso ms caro en la historia del Mlaga. Se fue al <a href="https://www.cfb18.com/real-madrid-c-7_131/">nueva camiseta del real madrid 2017</a>. Las dos etapas tienen como denominador comn el progresivo declive del equipo. En 2006 descendi a Segunda y parti de cero por una brusca ey Concursal? De Catanha a Isco y Camacho. Se repite ciclo. Lamentablemente.
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08.05.2018 04:20
Warnock turns 70 in December and one It was carnival time in the Welsh capital as Cardiff City celebrated their return to the Premier League on a day that felt like a triumph for Neil Warnock as much as for the club he has revived.
 This is Warnock’s eighth promotion – a record that sees him eclipse the achievements of Jim Smith, Dave Bassett and the late Graham Taylor – and completes Jadeveon Clowney Authentic Jersey an astonishing turnaround since he took over as manager only 19 months ago, when Cardiff were second from bottom. The goal the home supporters craved failed to materialise but in the end it did not matter, courtesy of Fulham’s defeat at Birmingham, which meant Cardiff were promoted irrespective of the scoreline here. Those goals at St Andrew’s were greeted with huge cheers, no more so than when Birmingham scored a third in the 89th minute to put to bed any lingering fears Fulham Dylan Bundy Authentic Jersey could somehow spoil the Cardiff party. A premature pitch invasion followed before the real thing, which ended up with every blade of grass covered by thousands and thousands of Cardiff supporters, who spilled over the hoardings to salute their heroes. Amid a sea of blue shirts, bathed in glorious sunshine, Warnock’s name reverberated loud and clear as the Cardiff fans paid tribute to the man who has galvanised their club and put together a team who are far greater than the sum of their parts. This is the fourth occasion he has won promotion to the top flight, following the success he enjoyed as a manager with Notts County, Sheffield United and Queens Park Rangers across three decades, and Warnock described it as “the biggest achievement in my 38-year career by an absolute mile”.Vincent Tan, Cardiff’s owner, was there to see everything unfold and to join in raucous celebrations that continued long after the final whistle. Appointing Warnock is arguably the best decision Tan has made at Cardiff and it promises to be a colourful experience with the two of them working in tandem in the Premier League. With Cardiff’s direct and uncompromising style, Warnock talked about how he has “built a http://www.redskinsnflofficialproshop.com/YOUTH+TRESS+WAY+JERSEY team capable of ruffling a few feathers” in the Championship and made it clear he plans to do exactly the same next season. “That’s all we can do. It’s not rocket science when you take the top six out of it in the Premier League. We’ll be odds-on favourites to get relegated. But we were 33‑1 this year to get in the play-offs, let alone win promotion. So we’re going to enjoy it. At my age you can’t help but do that.” Warnock turns 70 in December and one school of thought would be that now would be a good time to call it a day and go out in style, yet he was totally dismissive when the Mark Bavaro Authentic Jersey word retirement was mentioned. “Oh no, not at all. I think I’ve got to stay here for the club. I saw a story this morning that Vincent might be selling. You just don’t know. “But as quickly as the club has developed, it could go the other way, make no mistake. And I’m not going to let it go http://www.officialtimberwolvesshop.com/authentic-22-andrew-wiggins-jersey.html the other way after what I’ve done. So whatever happens, I’m determined to see it through.”The Premier League has not been particularly kind to Warnock. He was relegated with Sheffield United on the final day in 2007 and sacked midway through the season with Crystal Palace and QPR, yet he sounded totally relaxed about what the future holds for him with Cardiff next season and, in what felt like an important message, vowed to sign only players prepared to buy into his way of working. http://aofw.co.uk/simplemachinesforum/index.php?topic=102270.0 http://cguniverse.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9562 http://forum.innjoo.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=191045&extra= http://facebookhitlist.com/forum/topics/all-blacks-jersey-style-of-skill-and-pace http://bolancommune.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=18435&star=1&page=1
The England batsman Dawid Malan Andrew Gale, Yorkshire’s coach, spoke glowingly about his side’s character after a come-from-behind -victory against the champions, Essex, from 50 all out – a win in which Joe Root had a significant part to play despite only scoring nought and 35.
 Twenty wickets fell before tea on the opening day, with Yorkshire conceding a first-innings lead of http://www.authenticwildstore.com/-11-mike-gartner-jersey_c-456.html 92. But Jonny Bairstow opened the batting in the second innings in place of the impressive 19-year-old Harry Brook and the England wicketkeeper delivered a quick-fire 50, allowing the visitors to eventually set a target of 238. Essex started day http://www.officialredsoxauthentic.com/Fred_Lynn_Jersey three on 97 for four and were all out for 146 within 90 minutes. The reliable seamer Steve Patterson, whose 350th first-class wicket was Alastair Cook late on day two, took a career-best six for 40 in Essex’s first defeat in 19 Championship Womens Tre'Davious White Jersey games dating back to September 2016. “The way Jonny came out and set the tone of how we were going to go about our [second] innings, it changed the momentum of the game,” Gale said. “It’s something Rooty and myself spoke about. We then put it to Gaz [Gary Ballance] and said to Jonny: ‘Do you fancy going in first? We don’t http://www.officialwizardshop.com/authentic-13-marcin-gortat-jersey.html want you to go in and slog, just be yourself and be positive. You have a licence.’ You know what Jonny’s like. When you set him a challenge, he sticks his chest out and does the business. “It was important we threw some punches back. The batting display in the first innings was terrible. It was unacceptable. But we have worked hard this winter on our team spirit and never say die attitude. That shone through the game.” Day three went perfectly for Yorkshire as they won with their lowest first-innings total since 1922, when they were bowled out for 42 by Sussex at Hove. They took four wickets without addition as Essex slipped from 114 four Dave Parker Youth jersey to 114 for eight, with their in-form new‑ball seamer Ben Coad taking three of them as he bowled through an ankle injury which may threaten his involvement against Surrey at the Oval this week. But the standout innings of the match proved to be Brook’s second‑innings 124, his maiden first‑team century. A particular feature was how he attacked the Womens Michael Conforto Jersey spin of Simon Harmer. Gale said: “Harry was unbelievable. He was the only one who looked at home on that pitch. The way he played spin was fantastic. He’s got a big future. We’ve said that from the outset. He looks at home in the first‑class game.” The England batsman Dawid Malan posted a 206-ball 119 in his first appearance of the season for Middlesex, who are defending a 230 target against Sussex (35 for two) in Division Two at Hove. There were wins for the -leading pair Warwickshire and Kent over Derbyshire and Glamorgan respectively, while Durham are fighting hard to avoid a home loss to Leicestershire. In Division One, the leaders, Nottinghamshire, set Hampshire 469 to win at Trent Bridge. They closed on 111 for three. The England Lions duo Keaton Jennings and Joe Clarke hit centuries for Lancashire and Worcestershire, who are involved in high-scoring games with Somerset and Surrey. Clarke made 157. wholesale jerseys wholesale jerseys wholesale jerseys wholesale jerseys wholesale jerseys wholesale jerseys
It does not generally take much to render Rangers supporters excitable. Vehement defence of Dan Hamhuis Authentic Jersey custodians of their club, although natural, has not proved particularly valid in recent times. Which did not stop it existing.
 A year ago the early stages of Pedro Caixinha’s tenure were triggering alarm bells which were largely ignored until European humiliation at the hands of opponents from Luxembourg kicked off a new season. Caixinha, whose critics were labelled xenophobic, limped on until October.
 The scenario is now entirely different, whereby Ibrox fervour is entirely justified. A rudderless seven months have been forgotten. Rangers followers may be in danger of being seduced by a name but it is quite the name to be seduced by. One of Scottish football’s boldest, most headline-grabbing moves in decades has turned heads way beyond Govan and a club currently playing a distant second to its city rivals. Legitimate scepticism surrounding Steven Gerrard’s choice of employer can, for now, be cast to one side. After all, it does not really matter; the key opinion, that of Gerrard, is that managing Rangers is a smart move. Gerrard clearly has the courage of his convictions, in ignoring warnings to take on a club which really does not allow free hits. His every move is about to be cross-examined as never before. Others are being afforded a box office seat, from Pittodrie to Rugby Park, as an individual renowned the world over seeks to make managerial inroads. Even for cynics, this is an engaging prospect. Pressure instantly lands at the feet of the Rangers board with regard to keeping to the promises which encouraged Gerrard to leave one of precious few comfortable environments in football. There must be a hope that Scottish football, too, will seize the opportunity as provided by wider profile. How Gerrard performs as the Rangers manager will inevitably dictate the extent to which people elsewhere are intrigued but that the Liverpool icon has opted for Glasgow as http://www.panthersshopnfl.com/Authentic-Daeshon-Hall-Jersey his first posting – he spurned numerous earlier overtures – can hardly be anything other http://www.ravenshopfootballofficial.com/MIKE-WALLACE-JERSEY-CHEAP.html than a benefit to a game subject to routine kicking. Rather than an isolated case, Gerrard’s arrival is part of a wider picture which shows shoots of recovery for a national sport reduced to irrelevance for too long. This is not a worn-out professional seeking a final pay day; Gerrard is at the beginning of a journey which he logically hopes will lead him back to Liverpool, as the manager, one day. The 37-year-old Gerrard will rightly cite Rangers, the institution, as the key attraction but, if the Scottish game were in as dismal a state as many insist, a lower-league http://www.dallasstarsofficialonline.com/Adidas-Valeri-Nichushkin-Jersey job in England would have been far more appealing. Rangers, not awash with resources, caught Gerrard’s imagination more than Rotherham ever would. There is something admirable, perhaps old-fashioned, about that. Gerrard was not even put off by the Rangers horror show at Celtic Park last Sunday, where the hosts were 5-0 victors. That illustrates a level of self-confidence which is to be admired. http://www.officialauthentic49erproshop.com/womens_jimmie_ward_jersey Gerrard will need that in abundance; reputation counts for nothing should Old Firm managers wobble. The subplots are numerous. Nothing at the Old Firm appears to occur without impact on a city rival. That Brendan Rodgers, Gerrard’s former manager at Liverpool, is in charge of all-conquering Celtic leaps out from any analysis sheet. Rodgers regards Early Wynn Authentic Jersey himself as an elite coach, which in turn means a desire at some stage to return to an elite league. In the meantime the prospect of demonstrating his level of experience – and superiority – over his one-time pupil will enthuse the Northern Irishman. The pair know each other well enough Yasiel Puig Authentic Jersey for buttons to be pressed should Celtic and Rangers find themselves meaningfully competing with one another. “Welcome to the land of no sleep,” said Rodgers, with a smile, on Friday when Gerrard’s switch was confirmed. For all their troubles, Rangers now have a manager who will know more about Orlando Cepeda Authentic Jersey Rodgers than anyone else in Scotland. cheap jerseys wholesale jerseys cheap jerseys china cheap jerseys wholesale jerseys cheap jerseys wholesale jerseys cheap jerseys china
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07.05.2018 10:13
That was not actually how it worked What do you write in these moments? It is not easy and even now, Fergie being Fergie, there is still that slightly unnerving feeling that one day he might go over everything that is written and take issue with any article that reads too much like an obituary for his liking.
 Somehow the image of him holding up one of the offending newspapers, rolling‑pin-style, and threatening to swipe a journalist over the head – I have seen it happen – feels so much more natural than the idea of one of the greats of his profession lying, stricken, in an intensive‑care unit.
 The reality, of course, is that nobody can http://www.bearsfootballonline.com/WOMENS_YOUTH_KYLE_FULLER_JERSEY.html be sure what happens next. For now it is probably just enough that he has made it through the first 24 hours, that the statement from Old Trafford described his emergency operation as a success and that, somehow, we all expect him to have different powers from the ordinary man. That is not really how it works, from a medical point of view, but this is Sir Alex Ferguson we are talking about, not any person, and my mind goes back to the promise he made to us on his 65th birthday. Ferguson was on great form that day. He talked about using his bus pass on “the 4A to Govan Cross”. He seemed to like the bottle of pinot noir that Kawann Short Womens Jersey had been bought for him and, locked in one of his battles with Chelsea at the time, the card expressing the wish that it was “better than the paint-stripper Mourinho gives you”. He made it sound Miles Killebrew Womens Jersey that age, not José Mourinho, was now his toughest opponent but he also made it clear he was ready to meet the challenge head-on. Then he raised himself off his seat and headed for the door, wearing a sunrise of a smile. “You http://www.officialnewyorkislanders.com/Adidas-Shane-Prince-Jersey haven’t got rid of me yet,” he called over his shoulder. “No matter how many times you’ve tried. I’m still here. You lot will all be gone http://www.footballramsofficials.com/rams+mark+barron+jersey before I am. I’ll see you all off.” He always did like to have the last word. Even when his Manchester United team won the European Cup on that sweet-scented night at Barcelona’s Camp Nou in 1999, Ferguson made sure to gather all the first editions of the newspapers so he could scrutinise the early critiques. Back then the first editions had to be off-stone so early that nine-tenths of the match reports were written during the game http://www.officialpiratestore.com/authentic-25-gregory-polanco-jersey.html – ie United losing – and filled with paragraph after paragraph pointing out where Ferguson had got it wrong. The later editions were all glory-glory-Man-United rewrites courtesy of the stoppage-time goals from Teddy Sheringham and – football, bloody hell – Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. But guess which ones Ferguson pored over? He took a lot of pleasure reciting the more fault‑finding lines when we shuffled into the pressroom at United’s training ground on the first week of the following season. People Womens Thomas Davis Jersey ask what he is like and the truth is that he always kept us a long arm’s length away. We would have loved to break bread with the man, clink wine glasses and feel his trust during those years when he turned United into the most prolific trophy‑grabbing machine in the game. That was not actually how it worked and it was not fun, to say the least, in the periods when he was convincing himself that every question was being laid like a trap. Yet they were still, overall, the best of times for the football writers on the Old Trafford patch and he was not always “slamming” or “blasting”. When the shackles came off, when he disarmed his audience with long, impassioned homilies about football, politics or the world in general, those were the moments Stephen Hauschka Womens Jersey when one was reminded that time in his company was a privilege, both rewarding and fascinating. http://bylonieminelo.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=88148 http://brooklynne.net/forum/topics/the-knicks-screwed-up-their http://forum.real-estateagents.org/the-lounge-f7/arellano-try-to-extend-pvl-semis-series-t16984.html http://bylonieminelo.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=84934 http://consuelomurillo.net/oxwall/forum/topic/118150 http://bestdamnnerdshow.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=14863 http://forum.polwars.pl/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=39122 http://ddrgermanshepherd.com/DDR_Shepherd_Forum/index.php/topic,105.0.html
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07.05.2018 04:06
According to José Mourinho, it took him “20 years to become an overnight success”. Having spent a few days this week on the final part of my Uefa pro licence coaching course, I am beginning to appreciate what he meant when he said that. Hours in the classroom and on the pitch, as well as giving presentations to fellow students, has made me more appreciative of the hard work that goes into qualifying to be able to do a job that I don’t even know if I will one day be lucky enough to get.
 Studying also gives an insight into the commitment, passion and application which someone like Mourinho has had to put into football in order to achieve the level of success he has. In a week when the world has been praising the courageous and attacking football which has taken Liverpool to the Champions League final, I have to say that I have just as much admiration and respect for the Manchester United manager as I have for Jürgen Klopp. Mourinho brings his team to the Amex Stadium on Friday http://www.texansfootballsprostore.com/WOMENS_YOUTH_CHRIS_CLARK_JERSEY.html evening for a match which is significant for both sides as we aim to secure our Premier League status and United attempt to finish the season in second place, with the added incentive of preparing for an FA Cup final against Chelsea just a couple of weeks away. Mourinho has proved himself a master of winning games in cup competitions and it’s no wonder, given his pragmatic approach to preparing for every game in a specific way. There have been a few times this season when he has been hammered for playing so-called negative football – his tactics at Liverpool were a case in point – but criticising a coach for selecting a team and forming a gameplan to counter an opponent’s strengths is like using a mallet to crack an egg. Every coach will have Authentic Matt Stajan Jersey his own beliefs about how the game should be played and that philosophy will be borne out by the way his team carry out instructions, but it is a very narrow mind which contests that one Authentic Nate Hairston Jersey way is definitively better than another. Like everything else in the world, football undergoes cycles and you cannot tell me the high-scoring, attacking football of this season’s Champions League is not an antidote or a reaction to the more defensive and cautious football which had been prevalent in the past 10 years or so. The foundation for change in the game is a difference in style of coaches. Mourinho is unlike Pep Guardiola or Klopp in his philosophy, but his adaptability and core values are proven to achieve success against the very best. You may remember that it was Mourinho’s Real Madrid side who won La Liga in 2011-12 against arguably the greatest club side of all time in Guardiola’s Barcelona. Real did not beat or even challenge Barça at their own game because Mourinho believed he knew how to get the better of them and they achieved that courtesy of his forensic attention to detail in preparations for a match. The modus operandi is to ensure the players are ready for the battle with their direct opponent and that they are drilled to react to any scenario – from conceding a goal to finding your team reduced to 10 men. Players who have won http://www.officialcardinalsfootballauthentic.com/Andy-Lee-Jersey.html major trophies in Mourinho teams, such as Frank Lampard at Chelsea or Internazionale’s Marco Materazzi, have spoken about his attention to detail and how that inspires confidence in his players and while Mourinho may have a mixed persona in public, one certainty is that the majority of his players love him and would run through brick walls for him. However, it’s not that simple. Arsène Wenger has correctly been praised for revolutionising English football in the late 90s with his introduction of sports science and diet changes, among other things, at Arsenal. It seems as if he could not or would not evolve with other changes in the game, though, and that’s where the chameleon-like Mourinho may have the edge as he has incorporated the best of the rest into the running of the teams he has managed and then added his skill-set to succeed. United have come up against a phenomenal Manchester City side who are very worthy champions this season, but in the same time frame as Guardiola has been manager at the Etihad Stadium, Mourinho has won the Europa League and League Cup, and could still add an FA Cup. wholesale nfl jerseys cheap jerseys wholesale nfl jerseys from china wholesale nfl jerseys
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07.05.2018 04:04
Klopp has always been a systems According to Benjamin Disraeli Rome symbolises the ideal of conquest. Not quite yet, it doesn’t. Liverpool may have earned their moments of unbound joy inside the Stadio Olimpico on Wednesday, capped by a lovely interlude as Jürgen Klopp went bowling through the security lines to exchange a little joyful energy with the http://www.officialbuckshop.com/authentic-31-john-henson-jersey.html Liverpool fans, waving his arms like a drunken dad at Christmas, all goofy warmth and unaffected pleasure in a shared achievement.
 But as Klopp pointed out, nothing has been settled just yet. The run to the final has had its memorable subplots. From James Milner’s elevation to the status, on the season’s stats, of most creative player in the history of modern European football. To the sustained excellence of Womens Edgar Martinez Jersey Andy Robertson. To the spectacle of players as diverse as Loris Karius and Ragnar Klavan blocking it out http://www.officialblazershop.com/authentic-7-brandon-roy-jersey.html en route to a Champions League final.
 Still, no permanent mark has been made and certainly Real Madrid will present a different kind of obstacle. For the first time this season Liverpool face a meeting with European aristocracy. Deep down Real will see them as extras in this show, a disposable piece of ballast, there to provide a backdrop to the imperial parade. Yet for all that it is perhaps time to park thoughts of Kiev Womens Thomas Vanek Jersey and wallow just a little in the moment, because Klopp is wrong in one sense. Something significant has already been achieved just by making it to this stage. First for Klopp himself; and second for English football, so angst-ridden in its endless search for things such as identity and purpose, for the right DNA, the right borrowed suit of clothes. Yes: it’s time to talk about Jürgen – and about us. Man is never so manly as when he feels deeply and acts boldly. That was also Disraeli but it could at a pinch be a Klopp-ism, just without the guffaws and the swearing and the slang, a Victorian translation of one of those asides tossed into his rambling late-night press conferences where you sit up and think, hang on, what did he just say? Liverpool have been down this road but the boldness, the deep feeling of this team, is Klopp’s own work. This is a manager who has done that rare thing of rebuilding a team entirely in his own image in the space of two years and eight months. Womens Marco Estrada Jersey Klopp signed eight of the Liverpool players on the pitch in Rome and gave another his professional debut. There is nothing in this team that isn’t basted in his juices. Liverpool lost their best (inherited) player in January and still got better on the back of it – got a new best player, a better best player. Klopp has always been a http://www.officialauthenticcowboysstore.com/Nike-Chris-Jones-Jersey.html systems manager. He remains wedded to his founding revelation at Mainz that the right tactics implemented correctly can beat better players, a theme he has returned to often in the current run. This is the other big thing about this Liverpool team in a Champions http://www.eaglesauthenticofficial.com/YOUTH+CHUCK+BEDNARIK+JERSEY League final. As Emlyn Hughes once said: “The greatest good you can do for another is not to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” Actually that was also Disraeli but it captures Klopp’s potential to affect English football more widely. Real are fitting opponents in this sense. Liverpool’s Womens Barry Church Jersey 4-0 defeat of pre-Ronaldo Madrid in March 2009 is an overlooked staging point in the modern history of European club football. It was after seeing their team physically overpowered by Gerrard and Mascherano, Kuyt and Carragher (and also Babel, Spearing and Dossena) that Real made a slight change of policy, re-gearing to match the power of the Premier League. That summer 13 players left. Cristiano Ronaldo arrived, as did Karim Benzema and Liverpool’s own Xabi Alonso and Álvaro Arbeloa. http://forzalemans.net/topic/8157307/1/ http://aroofaboveus.org/blogs/post/62623 http://cguniverse.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=16515 http://ericweiss.com/IY-Forum/read.php?1,100490 http://cecki.de/index.php?forum-showposts-2319 http://facejunky.com/forum/posts/id_13420/ http://forum.shahabsystem.ir/showthread.php?tid=3293&pid=4072#pid4072 http://consuelomurillo.net/oxwall/forum/topic/113057
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Los ltimos futbolistas en salir de la enfermera fueron Modric y Kroos. Antes lo hicieron Marcelo y Vallejo. Hoy, vuelta a los entrenamientos.
Zidane podr contar esta tarde con todos sus jugadores en el primer entrenamiento de la semana. El tcnico concedi dos das y medio de vacaciones a su plantilla tras la victoria ante el Eibar el pasado sbado. Esta tarde, a las 17:00 horas, todos comenzarn a preparar el encuentro ante el Girona (domingo, 20:45h., Movistar Partidazo). Incluido Varane. El defensa francs tuvo que retirarse en el minuto 28 del encuentro ante el conjunto armero al sufrir un aparatoso golpe en su ceja derecha, pero ya est restablecido. Sufri un raumatismo en el arco cigomtico?despus de un choque con Kike Garca. Posteriormente, tuite la foto que encabeza la noticia, con el siguiente mensaje: uera darlo todo para mi equipo, pero cuando ya no se ve bien la pelota es hora de salir!? El francs, que quiso seguir jugando, se dio cuenta de que no gozaba de una visin ptima tras el choque y por eso pidi el cambio. Fue sustituido por Nacho, mientras l se encaminaba al vestuario para ser atendido por los servicios mdicos del club. De esa manera, Zidane podr contar con todos sus jugadores disponibles para el encuentro del fin de semana. Los ltimos futbolistas en salir de la enfermera fueron Modric y Kroos. Previamente lo hicieron Marcelo y Vallejo. Tanto Modric como Marcelo ya dejaron muestras de que estn completamente recuperados.
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05.05.2018 09:53
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