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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: Wuzze19 15.06.2019 16:28

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: Keto6x 15.06.2019 12:24

Auf der Path of Exile: Sie können die Ähnlichkeiten von Diablo finden

Sind Sie Diablo 3 überdrüssig und möchten die Geheimnisse der perfekten Outfits und Anzüge preisgeben? Jetzt, da Sie eine bessere Wahl haben, hat das Team von Grinding Gear Games kürzlich ein kostenloses ARPG: POE entwickelt, ein Spiel, bei dem Sie mit der Maus angreifen und die klassischen Elemente der Diablo-Serie erleben können ein paar Details.

Wie bei Diablo müssen Sie zu Beginn des Spiels einen Charakter erstellen und eine Karriere dafür auswählen. Derzeit werden fünf erste Karrieren im Spiel angeboten, und die Entwickler sagen, dass sie mehr freie Jobs und spezielle Karrieren anbieten werden, für die eine Zahlung erforderlich ist. Sobald Ihr Charakter erstellt ist, können Sie die Welt der POE betreten und Ihren Charakter bewegen oder den Feind mit einem Mausklick angreifen. Die Perspektive des Spielers befindet sich oben auf dem Kopf des Charakters und zeigt auf die gesamte Karte. Klicke mit der Maus auf die Monster auf der Karte, um sie anzugreifen. Nachdem der Feind gestorben ist, erhältst du den Wert des Kriegers und der Leichnam kann einige wertvolle Beute- und POE Items spritzen.

Spieler können POE mit Freunden in der realen Welt spielen. Obwohl es kein offizielles MMORPG ist, verfügt es über einen Server, auf dem mehrere Spieler gleichzeitig online spielen können. Du kannst dich mit deinen Freunden in der Stadt zusammenschließen und dann den Kerker betreten. Da jedes Mal, wenn ein Spieler einen Dungeon betritt, der vom System zufällig generiert wird, sind die Dungeons, in denen sich jedes Team befindet, niemals dieselben. Da es sich um ein Online-Spiel handelt, können Sie nicht offline spielen. Solange Sie sich jedoch auf einem verbundenen Gerät bei Ihrem POE-Konto anmelden, können Sie die vorherige Rolle übernehmen und das Upgrade fortsetzen.

Der Kampf ist im Grunde der gleiche wie bei Diablo, einfach, aber süchtig machend, mit der Ausnahme, dass POE das Geschicklichkeitssystem des Spiels auf eine völlig andere Weise handhabt. In Diablo können Spieler Fertigkeiten freischalten, indem sie den Level erhöhen. In POE müssen sie jedoch Fertigkeitssteine ​​verwenden, um die entsprechenden Fertigkeiten zu erhalten. Spieler können Edelsteine ​​im Laden kaufen oder sie aus den von den Monstern zur Verfügung gestellten Trophäen holen und sie dann in die entsprechenden Farbschlitze in Ihrer Ausrüstung einbetten. So kann jeder Spieler einen wirklich einzigartigen Charakter erschaffen, der genau das baut, was er will.

Das Kernstück der POE ist ihr einzigartiges Talentsystem, das auch der Zweck des Spieler-Upgrades in der POE ist. Jedes Mal, wenn der Spieler ein Upgrade durchführt, kann er einen Talentpunkt erhalten und ihn dem Talentbaum zuweisen. Talentbäume haben eine Vielzahl einzigartiger Charakter-Verbesserungsrichtungen: Sie können den durch Waffen verursachten Schaden erhöhen oder neue Fähigkeiten für Waffen bereitstellen sowie die eigenen Attribute oder die zusätzliche Vitalität des Charakters verbessern. Die Spieler können Talentpunkte am effizientesten zuweisen, indem sie die auf der Ausrüstung platzierten Fertigkeitssteine ​​aufeinander abstimmen.

Obwohl das Talentbaum- und Skill-Gem-System von POE für Spieler etwas umstritten ist, gibt es keinen Zweifel daran, dass das Beute-System sehr zufriedenstellend ist. Es gibt keine Goldmünzen oder Geld in der POE und die Spieler handeln hauptsächlich mit der POE Currency.

MMOAH bietet günstige POE Items, die für alle Server voll auf Lager sind und so schnell wie möglich geliefert werden. hat viele Spieler angezogen, seit sie viele Jahre im Dienst sind, und sie waren der sehr professionelle Lieferant als Produktanbieter.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: meilleursDofuskamas 15.06.2019 11:02

NBA 2K20 is coming out just eight months from now

In today 2K environment, it might be cool to put it in MyTeam, with pattern specific rewards. As for which athlete wants to enter the cover of the game, it is assumed that Cameroon basketball player Joel Embiid will gain the status of cover art. The star players of the Philadelphia 76ers are expected to participate in the main content of the game. First of all, it looks like offline my career will be added to the game. This has long been criticized in the game. Not everyone likes to work online, which is the purpose of offline mode. This mode is available for one version of the 2K series. LeBron James is heading towards the great road with an Xbox 360 and PS3 exclusive in the NBA 2K14.

Women who are equivalent to the National Basketball Association WNBA can succeed in the NBA 2K20. The photos posted by Renee Montgomery on her tweets clearly illustrate the content of the next game. If they do introduce this feature, it will be very convenient for those who like to play my career but don't like to play online. Some people speculate that it will become more difficult to hone your character over time. I have a lot of fun in this mode and don't mind seeing something similar in the NBA 2K20. Obviously, this time you should pay attention to a different player. The original cover player Allen Iverson was a choice, the Los Angeles Lakers great and two cover stars Kobe Bryant were another.

The hat will become more relaxed, so that we will get a better experience when playing 2K20. Some fans also want to use the Ball machine on their courts, which is the change I feel needs. I hope this happens, and the lack of this feature is sometimes frustrating. Mamba Moments is a late feature. To be honest, it should be part of the NBA 2K17. This is an opportunity to miss the opportunity. Some old 2K features are also assumed to be returned for the next version of the game. The NBA's greatest model, the road to greatness and the arrival of situational patterns will all emerge in new games. The NBA 2K20 will be launched in 8 months. In September, we usually participate in the competition, when we will also get the NBA 2K20. We don't have a trailer yet, or there are more updates available. However, as we get closer to the release date, we will get more information about Buy NBA 2K20 MT Coins.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: cheapbuymxc 15.06.2019 11:00

something good and something bad

Patrick Mahomes Week 2 film review:This is part one of a three-part weekly film analysis on the performance of Patrick Mahomes.It was a truly monumental Sunday in the history of the Kansas City Chiefs. Patrick Mahomes surpassed great 2006 third-round pick quarterback Brodie Croyle on the all-time touchdown pass list. If Croyle’s career had gone the way he’d wanted it to Mecole Hardman Jersey Mens , it’s very realistic that he would’ve started under center against the Steelers on Sunday. But it didn’t, and he wasn’t. Instead, he was just another guy that wasn’t “our guy.” A 34-year gap separated Chiefs first-round quarterbacks Todd Blackledge and Mahomes. So far, the wait has been well worth it.Mahomes has played unconscious to start his reign as the quarterback of the organization that desperately craved the moments they are experiencing right now. The six-touchdown pass performance felt like an exorcism of demons like Blackledge, Steve Bono, Croyle and Tyler Palko. No one in their wildest dreams thought this fan base would be richly rewarded in the first two weeks of the season.This is unprecedented.The second-year quarterback has thrown the most touchdown passes (10) in the first two games of a season ever. Mahomes has done nothing in this small sample size to indicate that his remarkably high ceiling should be lowered at all. In, I won’t say it. Let’s just leave it at this: Chiefs fans have more than plenty to be excited about.It wasn’t all perfect. There are still a few things to work on, but it was mostly just amazing. Here’s part one of the weekly Mahomes review.Something goodI’m doing everything I can to keep this play from getting lost in all the things we saw in Pittsburgh.This play is not remotely easy. For another quarterback, this would probably be his best play of the day. The Chiefs have two tight ends lined up attached to the offensive line and into the boundary. Tyreek Hill and Sammy Watkins are lined up to the field. Watkins motions into the boundary with the tight ends. The Chiefs run play action with one tight end staying in for a six-man protection.The Steelers are Cover 1, or man-free coverage. The action gets cornerback Artie Burns to bite. He’s late to get to Watkins, who is running a vertical route Mecole Hardman Jersey Cheap , so he sprints to catch up. Mahomes’ eyes get out of the fake and he sees Burns trailing and not looking at him.Mahomes wisely elects to throw a ball on Watkins’ back shoulder. He was early and decisive in delivering it. He delivered the ball with excellent anticipation because he knew the corner had no chance to make a play on the ball. The ball is placed well, as Watkins is able to just adjust to the throw without having to slow down enough for Burns to contest it. He pulled him away from the defender.There was enough zip on the ball that no one came close to catching it but Watkins. It was a little low but didn’t affect the play at all. Watkins was able to get the yards that were there on the play. This isn’t even mentioning the fact that Mahomes threw it off his back foot. His ability to throw off platform allowed this kind of play to happen. It was such a quick-hitting play that he needed to throw it athletically. An all-around great play by the young signal caller.Something badThere really wasn’t that much to be disappointed in from the game two performance. This is about it.The Steelers are playing cover 0, straight man-to-man coverage with no safety. With Burns chasing Hill across the formation, Mahomes knows they’re in man coverage. They will send six rushers on this play. After the (copyright pending) joystick motion by Hill, the Chiefs have him, Travis Kelce and Kareem Hunt lined up into the boundary. Mahomes wants to work that side of the play. The Chiefs are in a five-man protection.I think he should have slid the protection to the field (he should’ve had the offensive line account for No. 51 Jon Bostic, who will blitz and force Mitchell Schwartz to take, leaving an unaccounted for T.J. Watt). If the Steelers send one unaccounted defender to his left, then he is hot (he has to beat the blitz with a throw). If he had been hot to the boundary, then he has Hill, Kelce and Hunt one on one. Had he slid the protection to the field Carlos Hyde Jersey , Mahomes would’ve seen Kelce uncovered for a touchdown.Mahomes keeps the protection lined up into the boundary. On the snap, Mahomes looks like he peeks over there to the field, but I’m not sure he saw the free rushing EDGE player, who eventually brings him to the ground. He would’ve benefited from sliding the protection and possibly didn’t feel the pressure to his front side. Those two things aren’t great, but, in addition, the throw wasn’t where you would like it either.Quarterbacks have aiming points in the end zone. If you’re throwing to the front line of the end zone, you want the ball to be low so that nothing gets tipped and intercepted. If you’re throwing to the back line, you want the ball to be high so that it falls out the back of the end zone if it gets tipped. Mahomes delivers a ball high on the front line of the end zone. Luckily there wasn’t someone there to catch his overthrow.To be fair to Mahomes, I think this was a broken play by Kelce. I don't think that was the route he was supposed to run. He ran to space and when he realized he was unguarded, he went for the end zone. He could have been anticipating Kelce continuing towards the back of the end zone Tyrann Mathieu Jersey , but regardless, the play shouldn't have happened even if we give Mahomes the benefit of the doubt on that piece of it. Quarterback anecdotesEvery week I’m going to add a quick note about something I’ve picked up about the quarterback position through my time learning and playing the game.Things won’t always go right when you’re up against a 40-second clock. Let’s say there’s a play where the call gets in late and it has pre-snap shifts and motions. If time is running out, quarterbacks will yell for skill players to line up where they’re supposed to be after the shifts and motions, aborting any pre-snap movement to get the play off in time. SEATTLE (AP) — For the second straight week, Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs faltered in their attempt to send the entire AFC playoffs through Arrowhead Stadium.Rather than a relaxing Week 17 with a chance to rest players headed into the postseason, the Chiefs must avoid one more stumble that could cost them a division title and homefield advantage.“It’s frustrating knowing that we’ve had it so close both times. Luckily we are still in the position where we will have the opportunity to go out there and win it next week,” Mahomes said. “It is frustrating losing these games with the opportunity to win the AFC West and get the number one seed.”Kansas City’s 38-31 loss to Seattle on Sunday night prevented the Chiefs from wrapping up the AFC West and the No. 1 seed in the playoffs for the second straight week. Additionally, the loss exposed the biggest concern of the Chiefs headed into the postseason: a defense that was unable to get stops in important situations.Seattle had a season-high 464 total yards, including 210 rushing. The Seahawks were 7 of 14 on third downs and Russell Wilson was the equal to Mahomes, throwing for 271 yards and three touchdowns.A week after blowing a fourth-quarter lead and losing to the Los Angeles Chargers, the Chiefs were stuck playing from behind most of the night against Seattle and couldn’t overtake the Seahawks.“We all just have to get better. All phases of the game Damien Williams Jersey , we have to get better,” Chiefs defensive lineman Chris Jones said. “We’re gonna find a way, we’re gonna find a way to get better. We still control our own destiny; we’re gonna finish this last game strong.”Offensively the Chiefs did enough and 31 points should have been plenty against Seattle. Mahomes had a few of his own magical moments that will enhance his MVP candidacy. But the Chiefs committed two key turnovers in the first half, one leading to points for Seattle and the other potentially costing the Chiefs a chance at points late in the first half.Mahomes was 23 of 40 for 273 and three TDs. Mahomes had only 83 yards passing in the first half. He had 76 yards and was 6 of 6 on Kansas City’s first possession of the second half, finishing the drive with a scrambling, sidearm fling to Charcandrick West for a 25-yard touchdown that pulled the Chiefs even at 17-all midway through the third quarter.That was the last time the teams would be even, despite Mahomes’ efforts. He threw an 11-yard TD pass to Demarcus Robinson with 4:36 left, but the Chiefs were unable to get a stop on Seattle’s next possession, watching Wilson complete key passes to David Moore, Tyler Lockett and Doug Baldwin, leading to Chris Carson’s second TD run with 2:29 left.Harrison Butker’s 32-yard field goal with 1:20 left pulled the Chiefs within seven Derrick Thomas Jersey , but an onside kick went out of bounds and Seattle ran out the clock.“I want to win every game. That’s what we want to do. But I’m also in a position where we got to fix the problems, learn from them. We are teachers here so we are going to go back and learn from our mistakes and get ourselves better,” Kansas City coach Andy Reid said. “In this league, it’s that close of a margin between winning and losing. So we just got to straighten a couple things out, and we will be OK. It seems extreme right now, but that’s not the reality of it. We fix a couple things and we will be all right.”The Chiefs played without two key starters in the secondary as Kendall Fuller and Ron Parker were inactive. Seattle took advantage of the young defensive backs thrown in their place with Baldwin having his best game of the season with seven catches for 126 yards and the Seahawks also drawing a number of key penalties that kept drives going.Reid said he wanted to see how some of those younger players responded to the opportunity of facing a quarterback like Wilson and an offense as diverse as Seattle’s. But the decision may have helped put Kansas City in the position of facing an uncomfortable Week 17, even if it comes against lowly Oakland.“I think we will be fine if we just take care of our business there,” Reid said.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: panxing18 15.06.2019 09:08

WhiteSections 2019 offseason2019

A life devoted."free agency2019 NFL DraftFull ArchiveLibrary 2019 NFL calendar2019 Rams regular season sched2019 Rams preseason schedMasthead Community Guidelines NFL Odds StubHub he Los Angeles Rams and 60 years of being a fanNew Los Angeles Rams Jerseys Stitched ,27commentsA life devoted.CSTShareTweetShareShareThe Los Angeles Rams and 60 years of being a fanThere are moments in our lives we will never forget.Getting married. Children’s births. Things that bring us joy which we treasure forever.The Professor has had those moments, but the one he will remember the most in his life and treasure seeing was K Greg Zuerlein make a 57 yard field goal to put my Los Angeles Rams into the Super Bowl.I harken back to the days as a 7-year old child watching my Los Angeles Rams lose in the playoffs to the Green Bay Packers in 1967 and those games home at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and away sitting next to my father watching our Rams lose in the playoffs—again. The empty feeling I felt tinged with words of hope that there’s always next year.That’s when I learned then its a lot harder to make to the Super Bowl then it is to play it. That’s what makes the New England Patriots dynasty so remarkable.But then there is our 2018 Rams. The team that two years ago was 4-12. Saddled with a first pick in the draft labeled a bust. An offensive line that couldn’t block and a defense which was good, but not excellent.After firing 7-9 BS, the organization made a conscious decision to go out and find a Head Coach, one that the would turn the fortunes of the franchise around. The Rams already had a great owner in Stan Kroenke spending billions to build Los Angeles a brand new, state of the art stadium. They also had great management with Kevin Demoff Bobby Evans Jersey nfl draft , the public face of the franchise, always listening to the fans, absorbing the information he received and responding “we hear you.” The Rams also had a general manager in Les Snead who worked night and day to bring through the draft, trade or free agency players who would developed into Back-to-Back NFC West Conference Champions.The Rams found the diamond in the rough. The person whose words at first press conference resonated with the fans “We Not Me.” You could sense in first year as head coach, something special was about to happen to the Los Angeles Rams football. He assembled a staff of football coaches, who actually knew football and when the Denver Broncos Bobby Evans black jersey , let go defensive coordinator Wade Phillips, he snatched him up.Jared Goff was no longer a bust, but a Super Bowl caliber quarterbackTodd Gurley becamethe running back we saw as a rookie, not only in the ground game, but also the passing game. The Rams brought in a Andrew Whitworth an experienced left tackle and he instantly became the face of revamped offensive line that opened holes and gave Goff the time needed to make the passes. They went out and acquired a bevy of wide receivers, Robert Woods and Brandin Cooks Bobby Evans Jersey Mens , Cooper Kupp and Josh Reynolds. During the off season, the Rams traded for cornerbacks, Aqib Talib and Marcus Peters. They re-signed defensive tackle Aaron Donald making him the highest paid defensive player, for at least a day.All the pieces were in place for Super Bowl contending team.Yesterday, it all came together against the New Orleans Saints. It’s not about the crowd noise or referees that turn teams into conference champions but rather battling through the whatever adversity you face in the course of game and coming out with a win.As the ball sailed through the uprights, I could only think back to the words my father said to me upon realizing he’s son wasn’t just a diehard—he was certifiably crazy about a football team Greg Gaines Los Angeles Rams Jerseys , “Never give up your dreams”So for of all the sons and daughters who hit the floor, raised your hands in the air and looked to heavens....WE’RE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL! The Rams added some depth at safety in the 7th round. Could this be a pick for Coach Bones?"Les Snead and the Los Angeles Rams have done a good job of utilizing their assets to fill most of the Rams roster gaps with day two and day three picks. They’ve moved around the draft board to do so, and it shows that they’re not content simply employing a best player available philosophy. They’ve identified the players that they want to target and put themselves in a position to draft those players when they are value picks as well.Thus far, they’ve already selected:Round 2 (61 overall) - Washington safety Taylor RappRound 3 (70 overall) - Memphis running back Darrell Henderson Round 3 (79 overall) - Michigan cornerback David LongRound 3 (97 overall) - Oklahoma offensive lineman Bobby EvansRound 4 (134 overall) - Washington defensive tackle Greg GainesRound 5 (169 overall) - Wisconsin offensive lineman David EdwardsThe Rams used the 243rd pick to select safety Nick Scott from Penn State. Scott was not listed on SB Nation’s resident draft expert Dan Kadar’s list of Top 200 prospects.How are you grading this selection for the Rams? (The poll below will be stripped out on Google AMP and Apple News, but feel free to leave your grade/thoughts in the comments section)

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: panxing18 15.06.2019 08:57

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: rsgoldfastWq1 15.06.2019 08:48

Miami inactives starting to sound lik

Dolphins at Bengals inactives list: e starters list Starting defensive end Cameron Wake. Starting tight end A.J. Derby. Starting cornerback Bobby McCain. Starting wide receiver DeVante Parker. Key defensive end rotational player Andre Branch. Yep , all inactive. The Dolphins’ injuries over the past few weeks are starting to add up and the inactive list for their game on Sunday against the Cincinnati Bengals is showing it.Wake is dealing with a knee issue, Derby with a foot problem, McCain with a knee injury, Parker with a quadriceps problem, and Branch with a knee issue. The Dolphins could use all of them in this game, but they will be on the sideline - or did not even make the trip.Also inactive for Miami are quarterback David Fales and offensive tackle Zach Sterup.Miami is expected to start Charles Harris in Wake’s spot Womens Jakeem Grant Jersey , Mike Gesicki in place of Derby, and Torry McTyer in place of McCain.The Cincinnati Bengals have listed wide receiver John Ross, running back Giovani Bernard, wide receiver Auden Tate, center Billy Price, linebacker Malik Jefferson Mark Duper Jersey , defensive lineman Josh Tupou, and offensive lineman Cedric Ogbuehi. The biggest news from the inactives list - other than the list of starters/key contributors who will not be playing - is that safety Reshad Jones, who missed the last two games with a shoulder injury, is active today and should return to his starting role. The same can be said for Bengals linebacker Vontaze Burfict, who is returning from a four-game PED suspension. Both defenses should see an immediate benefit from having them back.The Splash Zone 9/25/18: Dolphins Lose William Hayes For The Season The Miami Dolphins have lost one of their key defensive lineman for the season. William Hayes will be shut down with a torn ACL after he registered a sack against Derek Carr on Sunday. Apparently Hayes was trying not to put all his body weight into the hit to protect Carr from any major injury. Turns out by doing that, Hayes somehow tore his ACL as he was trying not to get penalized for sacking the quarterback.You can check out that story here , and the rest of the day’s round-up below.Dolphins’ William Hayes out for the season with a torn ACL | Miami HeraldDolphins defensive end William Hayes tore his ACL while sacking Raiders quarterback Derek Carr yesterday, and the NFL’s new rules to protect the quarterback might have been the reason why.Adam GaseWhat Miami Dolphins coach Adam Gase said Monday (Patriots week)The Dolphins are riding high at 3-0 heading into Sunday’s game at New England, and coach Adam...Dolphins Tight EndsMike Gesicki ready, if thrust into starting role with Miami DolphinsMike Gesicki pushed off of a Raiders cornerback, ran an in-route, caught a pass from Ryan Tannehill...Dolphins Defensive LineDolphins DT Akeem Spence disputes ejection from fight with RaidersDolphins defensive tackle Akeem Spence regrets the situation his ejection caused for his teammates Womens Nat Moore Jersey ,...Raiders at DolphinsThree Takeaways From Win Over RaidersThree Takeaways From Win Over RaidersAC In The AM: What A Comeback! What A Win!How much fun is this?Miami Dolphins Snap Conclusions: Who played a lot, who didn’tThe Dolphins are 3-0 and every other team in the AFC East is 1-2.Just as everyone predicted.Phinsider News You May Have MissedThe Splash Zone 9/24/18: Your Miami Dolphins Are 3-0 - The PhinsiderWelcome to the Splash Zone, the quickest way to get your day started off right. We bring you a rundown of Miami Dolphins news from the last 24 hours.Who deserves the game ball after the Dolphins 28-20 victory over the Raiders - The PhinsiderIt was unlike any win we saw this season. In a day that was plagued by injuries, Akeem Spence getting tossed, and the men in black and white being a bit more generous to the opposition, the D...Miami Dolphins injuries 2018: William Hayes ACL team costs him remainder of season - The PhinsiderThe Miami Dolphins have lost defensive end William Hayes for the season with an ACL injury Jordan Phillips Jersey , according to head coach Adam Gase. Hayes was injured during the team’s 28-20 win over the Oakland Raiders...

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: panxing18 15.06.2019 08:47


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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: John Mathew 15.06.2019 08:45

According to Andrew Krammer of

On Tuesday , the Minnesota Vikings did a bit of reshuffling on their practice squad, bringing back a familiar face. Well, fairly familiar anyway. the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the Vikings have signed cornerback Jalen Myrick and offensive tackle Adam Bisnowaty to their practice squad. In order to make room for them, they waived defensive tackle Curtis Cothran and waived defensive end Jonathan Wynn with an injury designation.Myrick, the former Golden Gopher, was on the Vikings’ practice squad earlier this season, but was released just a week ago. He was drafted by the Jacksonville Jaguars in the seventh round of the 2017 NFL Draft, and spent his rookie season with the Jaguars.Bisnowaty played his college ball at the University of Pittsburgh Womens Stefon Diggs Jersey , where he was teammates with current Vikings’ right tackle Brian O’Neill. Bisnowaty was taken in the sixth round of the 2017 NFL Draft (#200 overall) by the New York Giants, and started the Giants’ regular season finale at right tackle after spending that year on the practice squad. He was cut this preseason, and spent time with both the Detroit Lions and Carolina Panthers this past offseason.Cothran was an undrafted free agent from Penn State who spent Training Camp with the Vikings and was signed to the practice squad following final cuts. Wynn was also part of the team’s final cutdown, and was signed by the team back on 1 October.Because Wynn was waived with an injury designation, if he goes unclaimed he will go onto the Vikings’ injured reserve list.With these moves, the Vikings’ 10-man practice squad now looks like this:WR Jeff BadetWR Chad BeebeOT Adam BisnowatyLB Reshard CliettOL Cornelius EdisonOL Colby GossettTE Cole HikutiniCB Craig JamesCB Jalen MyrickOT Storm Norton Bobby Wagner leaped over the line of scrimmage, swatted Dan Bailey‘s field goal attempt and sparked the Seattle Seahawks to two late touchdowns.Whether or notwhat Wagner didwas entirely legal, he frankly didn’t care.“I’m not stressing about that. I made the play. They called what they called,” Wagner said. “There’s times in games where things happen all the time. I’m not stressing on it. It was a big block and we’ll definitely take it. It was amazing.”Wagner’s block midway through the fourth quarter was the catalyst in a 21-7 win over the Minnesota Vikings on Monday night that pushed Seattle to the brink of a playoff berth.Chris Carson followed the blocked kick with a 2-yard TD run with 2:53 left Chuck Foreman Jersey , and Justin Coleman capped off the Seahawks’ fourth straight victory with a 29-yard fumble return for a touchdown 18 seconds later.What was an ugly and mostly forgettable first three quarters turned into a Seattle party in the fourth as the Seahawks (8-5) moved to the brink of wrapping up a wild-card spot in the NFC. One win in Seattle’s final three games 鈥?including matchups with lowly San Francisco and Arizona 鈥?should be enough to put the Seahawks into the postseason.“It’s really about the defense. I loved the way they played, they played so hard and so spirited,” Seattle coach Pete Carroll said. “It was almost poetic after last week’s game that Bobby would get to block the field goal and he pulled it off and did it. That was an incredible play.”Minnesota (6-6-1) twice had scoring chances in the fourth quarter when it was still a one-score game but was turned away each time. Minnesota’s chances of winning the NFC North took a major hit with its second straight loss, but the Vikings still hold the No. 6 spot in the NFC.“Part of it is being better on third downs. We haven’t really done a good job there. Part of it is being better in the red zone,” Vikings coach Mike Zimmer said. “We had the ball on the 2-yard line and didn’t score.”But much of the conversation centered on Wagner’s block of Bailey’s 47-yard attempt with 5:38 left and whether it was entirely legal. Wagner’s jump through a gap in Minnesota’s offensive line was fine, but it appeared he used his teammates to gain leverage, which allowed him to come through and block the kick. A flag was initially thrown but was picked up by the officials.Wagner said he attempted it four times in practice without a problem but acknowledged it could be tough to pull off the play during the fourth quarter of a tight game.“When I did it in practice I was pretty fresh,” Wagner said.Zimmer said he asked for an explanation of what happened but wasn’t given one. He was told he couldn’t challenge.“Quite honestly, I didn’t see what happened. I was told what happened ,” Zimmer said.Seattle took possession and Russell Wilson immediately scrambled 40 yards deep into Minnesota territory. Five plays later, Carson scored and Seattle finally had a cushion. Two plays after that, Jacob Martin sacked Minnesota’s Kirk Cousins and the ball popped to Coleman, who weaved his way for the clinching touchdown.Cousins threw a 6-yard touchdown pass to Dalvin Cook with 1:10 remaining, but Seattle recovered the onside kick.“I feel like all of our losses we, as an offense, we are so slow,” Vikings wide receiver Adam Thielen said. “Our defense is keeping us in games. And we’re not pulling our side of the bargain.”Wilson had one of the worst passing games of his career, completing 10 of 20 attempts for career-low 72 yards and a baffling interception late in the first half Womens Paul Krause Jersey , one of the many mistakes by Seattle that allowed Minnesota to hang around. But Seattle’s ground game was outstanding against one of the better run defenses in the NFL. The Seahawks finished with 214 yards rushing, led by 90 yards from Carson.Sebastian Janikowski hit field goals of 37 and 35 yards to account for all of Seattle’s scoring until the closing minutes.“If you run it 40-something times, you ought to win. That was pretty good,” Carroll said.FOURTH QUARTER WOESMinnesota hung around despite failing to run a play in Seattle territory until there was 4:16 left in the third quarter. Cousins was 20 of 33 for 208 yards, most of that coming late. But he failed to get the Vikings into the end zone from inside the Seattle 5 while trailing 6-0 early in the fourth quarter.The Vikings had first-and-goal at the Seattle 4 but turned the ball over on downs with 9:06 remaining. Two short runs and an incompletion brought up fourth-and-goal at the 1, and Cousins’ pass for Kyle Rudolph was knocked away by Bradley McDougald. Bailey’s field goal was blocked on Minnesota’s next drive.REACHING 100Minnesota fell to 0-6 when allowing its opponents to run for at least 100 yards. The Vikings came in to the week giving up 99 yards per game on the ground, good for seventh-best in the NFL. Seattle had 136 yards rushing in the first half.OTHER CENTURY MARKThielen tied Cris Carter as the fastest Minnesota player to reach 100 receptions in a season, both accomplishing the feat in 13 games. Carter did it in 1994 when he finished the year with 122 catches. Thielen is the first Minnesota receiver to get to 100 catches since Randy Moss in 2003. But Thielen didn’t get his first catch until midway through the third quarter. He finished with five catches for 70 yards.UP NEXTMinnesota: The Vikings return home to host Miami on Sunday.Seattle: The Seahawks play their final road game Sunday at San Francisco.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: panxing18 15.06.2019 08:31

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: ghytjfsd 15.06.2019 08:13

Path of Exile - Open a new "box"

Our adventures in Fantasy Action World / RPG ,Path of Exile have become more interesting, because the "mysterious border box" has become very mysterious, because in addition to some wonderful content, valuable POE Items, the most important is the same cloak, we The hero can't get anything from it. However, it turns out that this is a minor misunderstanding, and even if there is a time difference, the developer will fix it quickly on the same day. So today we will try to open about fifty boxes and invite everyone to find out what they contain.

The broadcast will begin at 18:00 Moscow time. As usual, you can watch the video below the official website and related news.

On June 7, in the action / RPG Path of Exile launched a new alliance - "Legion". Without hesitation, we rushed to the battle and managed to complete a story. The next step is to search for devices. We continue to work on a series of recent updates and invite everyone to join this adventure. Waiting for adventure ahead of us, they certainly won't be simple. This new alliance was also released on June 12, and players have come to fame, so the sale of POE Currency on the MMOAH website is very satisfying.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: Bale 15.06.2019 07:54

Blizzard brought back the main "World of Warcraft", millions of players can relive the most frustrating life era to date

Get ready for the 2006 time machine, Warcraft fans: Blizzard announced that they will bring back the first World of Warcraft, let 1000 game players relive their most difficult times in the past. This is the most touching part of Warcraft because we can constantly review history and feel the glory of the past.

In the two years before each expansion, the company re-created the "Vanilla" version in the game, and the player suffered a failure on the fantasy MMORPG. All the frustrations, gamers can finally relive this severe period. For those who slowly lose friends and give up their dreams, the upcoming slow travel and 60-level hats may be an important nostalgic journey, and they spend a long time in a beloved dungeon like Blackrock.

Whether you are yelling for the "Alliance"! Or "for the Horde!" Blizzard's people promise that WoW Classic forces you to look like every growth you've experienced in the past decade. "For those who have compulsive WoW habits that may prevent them from going to college or being fired, we faithfully rebuild the entire game server as they did 10 years ago. It will be a real treat," Senior producer Calia Schie said. And added that they have spent a lot of time ensuring that previous games run smoothly on modern hardware configurations so that players can get enough coins to pay for the equipment they need to spend their time.

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: xiayumin 15.06.2019 07:20

sign players to their practice squad.

It's getting harder to gain an edge in daily fantasy football with more research tools and advanced statistics.Similar research processes lead many daily players to the same plays each given week.Last week Cheap Charles Omenihu Jersey , DailyRoto's Colin Drew won more than $250,000 using a lineup optimizer to identify pivots 鈥?key spots to use players who won't be widely owned in large tournaments. Pivoting away from popular players and toward alternatives in a similar price range lets fantasy owners differentiate their lineups, distinctions that become important when trying to break away from the pack in large tournament fields.Drew's highest scoring lineup featured Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers at just 3 percent ownership, stacked with Packers wideouts Davante Adams and Marquez Valdes-Scantling. This trio was a profitable pivot from the more popular stacks in the Steelers-Falcons game.In Week 6, one of the league's top tight ends and a certain defense are being priced reasonably across daily fantasy platforms and will likely prove to be popular. If fantasy owners dig a bit deeper, they can find alternatives that are also enticing.PIVOT: ERIC EBRON TO CAMERON BRATEThus far, the Colts tight end Ebron leads all tight ends with 12 red zone targets and has scored more DraftKings fantasy points than any player at the position over the last three weeks, since teammate Jack Doyle went down. During that span, Ebron has garnered the third-highest target share of any TE and the second most targets overall. This week, he faces a Jets defense that ranks 20th against the TE according to Football Outsiders' defense-adjusted value over average (DVOA) metric, although they have only allowed 33.4 yards per game to the position.Due to Ebron's heavy usage, especially down by the goal line, he will inevitably be popular this week. There's a strong case for using Tampa Bay's Cameron Brate instead.Brate is cheaper across the industry and will be squaring off against a Falcons team that has been playing in shootouts 鈥?nearly 60 total points have been scored on average in Atlanta's games. Atlanta has a high-powered offense and its already mediocre defense lost safety Keanu Neal and linebacker Deion Jones for the season.The Bucaneers have already switched to Jameis Winston at quarterback, meaning brighter days should be ahead for Brate even before factoring in the injury to O.J. Howard. According to Rotoviz, Brate has averaged 5.21 targets per game Charles Omenihu Jersey Womens , 42.3 yards per game, 3.4 receptions per game, 0.5 touchdowns per game and 10.7 point-per-reception fantasy points per game in games where Winston has thrown at least 15 passes. Brate saw less usage in the five games where Winston did not meet that threshold, due to being inactive or getting hurt.Even with Howard on the team, Brate ranked 17th among TEs in red zone target share and 13th at targets at the position last year. With Howard out of the picture, Brate can reasonably be projected for a similar market share to Ebron 鈥?and Winston has shown an affinity for him. The matchup is nowhere near as favorable on paper, as the Falcons rank fifth in DVOA versus the position, but they do not have a single linebacker who grades inside the Top 50 at the position in coverage, per Pro Football Focus. The combination of cheaper price and increased opportunity trumps the supposedly inferior matchup.PIVOT: TEXANS DEFENSE TO BILLS DEFENSEThe public is undoubtedly going to have interest in targeting a defense against the lowly Bills offense that has averaged fewer yards per game than any team other than the Cardinals. Through five games, the Bills have turned the ball over eight times, and the thought of J.J. Watt and Jadeveon Clowney getting after Josh Allen is tough to ignore. Allen has been sacked more than any other QB in the league and his 60.4 QB rating rates worst of all the 35 qualified signal-callers.Even so, defense is a tough position to spend up on in daily fantasy because that leads to skimping on offensive players who possess more upside. The difference between the Texans and the Bills is the equivalent of the pricing difference between Jarvis Landry and Julio Jones or even the difference between Nyheim Hines and T.J. Yeldon this week on DraftKings. There is no need to miss out on a true WR1 or a workhorse back because of a defense when the Bills legitimately find themselves in an ideal spot to succeed, too.Houston's offensive line has allowed a 7.5 percent pressure rate, the fifth highest in the league, and the Bills convert pressures into sacks at a league-average 12 percent rate. However Charles Omenihu Houston Texans Jersey , the last time they faced a bottom-tier offensive line, they sacked Kirk Cousins four times and forced him to fumble twice.Deshaun Watson is battling a chest injury and a total has not yet been released for the game likely due to the uncertainty around his status. Obviously, his absence would enhance the matchup, but even if he were to play, the Bills have yet to allow 300 yards passing in a game and they have played Philip Rivers, Cousins and Rodgers. Since Week 3, Buffalo has allowed exactly one passing TD versus Cousins, Rodgers and Marcus Mariota and they have induced eight turnovers over that time frame. PFF grades the Texans offensive line as the sixth worst run-blocking unit and the Bills defensive line as the ninth best pass-rushing unit. The Texans have passed the ball on about 60 percent of their plays in two of the last three games, and Lamar Miller has been brutal (10th worst Pro Football Focus grade of any back with at least 50 rushing attempts), so there will be plenty of drop-backs for the Bills to get after the QB.If needing salary relief, or just simply looking to be contrarian, look no further than a Bills defense that is greatly underappreciated due to the poor public perception of the team.2018 Houston Texans Practice Squad Tracker: News, Signings, Rules Of NFL Practice Squad Eligibility By 12:00 p.m. CDT today, NFL teams have already trimmed their rosters to 53 players Charles Omenihu Jersey 2019 , have sifted through the waiver wire, and can now sign players to their practice squad. Last season, the Texans saw LaTroy Lewis, David Quessenberry, Bryce Jones, Chad Slade, Chris Thompson, and Gimel President move from the practice squad to the 53-man roster at some point. This year, some of the loose teeth hanging in the mouth of Houston’s roster will make the jump as well. If you aren’t familiar with what the rules of practice squad eligibility are, check out this article on SB Nation by Jeanna Thomas. If you don’t want to do that, the Sporting News wrote an excellent summary on practice squads as well. See below, and read the piece if you want some clarity on what goes on this time of year.Hang out here for updates throughout the day as we track each of the Texans’ practice squad signings. If you see a tweet or report about Houston agreeing to terms with a particular player for their practice squad that hasn’t yet made its way to the main body of this post, please leave it in the Comments.In the meantime, are there any players do you want to see the Texans target for their practice squad?UPDATE: THINGS ARE HAPPENING.UPDATE II: MORE THINGS ARE HAPPENING.UPDATE III: Confirmation via press release...

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: elaine95 15.06.2019 05:38

Most Streams At Once: PlayStation Vue

PlayStation Vue is somewhere in the middle on the price vs. quantity buying mt 2k20 channels spectrum, as its cheapest package the Golf Channel is more expensive than Sling TV and Fubo TV ($44.99 per month), but it doesn’t have as many channels as DirecTV Now.

Still, it does have some compelling advantages, as DVR is included and users can watch on five separate devices at once.

Here’s a look at the “Core” bundle:

Total Channels Included: 60-plus, depending on local channels available. You can find the complete channel list here

Price: $44.99

Extras: Watch on five different devices at once; cloud DVR (restrictions with certain channels)

Free Trial: 5 days

How to Sign Up & Watch:

1. Click here to go to the PlayStation Vue website

2. Click on “Start Free Trial” and then create an account

3. Select the channel package you want. There are four different options. “Core,” “Elite” and “Ultra” include the Golf Channel

4. Enter your payment information. “Core” is $44.99 per month, while “Elite” is $54.99 per month and “Ultra” is $74.99 per month. If you cancel your subscription within five days of signing up, you will not be charged

5. Return to the PlayStation Vue website to start watching on your desktop. You can also watch via the PlayStation Vue app, which is available via a handful 2k20 mt pc different mobile or streaming devices. You can click here for the complete list of compatible devices

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: GboysLove 15.06.2019 05:30
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