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World of Warcraft: 25 Best Moments inside Game's History

If you're among the many people that once called WoW home and have absolutely since progressed to other games or adventures in your life, there is absolutely no denying that World of Warcraft holds an exclusive place inside hearts of countless. The game has provided its players without requiring just memorable moments in-game, but has sometimes also transcended the games industry and spilled out into our popular culture.

With the modern World of Warcraft expansion, Battle for Azeroth, set to produce in a few months, we thought this could be the perfect time to make an expedition back into the game's storied history. Here are our top 25 World of Warcraft moments, in-game and IRL, on the last 10+ years.

Ebola ain't got nothing on Corrupted Blood. One from the very first World of Warcraft moments to find the game significant press from the mainstream media, this virtual plague began on September 13, 2005 and lasted for approximately a week. Players discovered an exploit that allowed them to please take a debuff that has been dished out by Hakkar The Soulflayer, the conclusion boss in the Zul'Gurub raid instance, and then use it to infect unsuspecting players within the game's major cities.

The "disease" was highly contagious and rapidly jumped from player to player, quickly killing many low level characters that got into contact with it. Blizzard needed to code in a very quarantine of sorts and also the player base reacted by changing how they played the game, including staying out with the major cities to avoid infection. The pandemic and ensuing reaction caught a persons vision of scientists, who used the incident as being a case study on what human beings might react inside the case of a bio-terrorist attack or

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