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Rückblick auf den Weg des Exils: Teil I

Verglichen mit der Veröffentlichung im Jahr 2013 hat POE in den letzten Jahren wesentliche Änderungen erfahren. Daher benötigen die Spieler eine neue Überprüfung der POE. Unser Originalartikel wurde dort aufbewahrt und kann weiterhin angesehen werden.

Ihre Reise in der POE beginnt an den Ufern von Wraeclast, und Ihr Körper ist voller Narben. Als Verbannter haben Sie in Ihrer Rolle einen Schiffbruch erlebt, alles verloren und nur noch den Lappen, den Sie trugen. Wenn du aufwachst, wirst du einen Stock um dich finden, den du als Waffe benutzen musst, um dich zu schützen. Du hast etwas Ungewöhnliches gefunden. Einige der Körper kletterten hoch und wurden sehr aggressiv. Sie können sie mit Holzstöcken angreifen. Sie explodierten, nachdem sie gestorben waren und produzierten verschiedene Beute, wie POE Currency und POE Items. Wenn Sie die erste Stadt der Welt betreten, beginnen Sie, Missionen der Ureinwohner anzunehmen, und entwickeln sich allmählich von einem schwachen Überlebenden eines Schiffswracks zu einem Krieger, der gegen die Götter kämpfen kann.

POE versucht, sich in allen Aspekten von anderen modernen ARPGs abzuheben. Das Entwicklungsteam hat viel Zeit und Mühe aufgewendet, um ein einzigartiges Talentbaumsystem zu entwerfen, damit jeder Spieler eine Rolle nach seinen Wünschen erstellen kann. Seit 2013 haben immer mehr Spieler den Spaß an diesem Spiel bemerkt, nicht nur das Spiel, das den Diablo-Stil perfekt vererbt, sondern auch die anderen Teile sind sehr zufriedenstellend.

Wenn Sie die Diablo-Serie schon einmal gespielt haben, sind Sie mit dem Spielmodus zum Töten von Monstern auf großen, zufällig generierten Karten vertraut. Sie können die entsprechenden Fähigkeiten für die linke und rechte Maustaste einstellen. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine neue Aufgabe annehmen, müssen Sie zur neuen Karte gehen, um relevante Hinweise zu finden. Dies ist ein wichtiges Mittel, um den Spielprozess des Spielers reibungslos zu halten. Darüber hinaus hat POE die jüngsten Entwicklungen mit verschiedenen Überraschungen versehen. Du wirst auf der Karte gefangenen Monstern begegnen. Sie können sie in Ihrem Monster-Zoo zeigen. Sie können auch Ihr eigenes Versteck erstellen. oder öffne das Portal, um eine andere Welt zu erreichen, und erfülle die verschiedenen Herausforderungen unter besonderen Regeln.

Jedes Mal, wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, dass Ihre Erforschung von POE an ihre Grenzen stößt, bringt es Ihnen immer neue Inhalte und stärkt Ihren Charakter. POE ist ein sich ständig weiterentwickelndes ARPG. Sie können immer einen neuen Boss oder ein neues System finden, oder Sie müssen neue spezifische Waffen erwerben, um Ihr ideales neues Build zu erhalten.

Möglicherweise wird es in Zukunft viele neue Inhalte geben, aber der Kern von POE besteht darin, Ihren Charakter ständig zu stärken, und der schillernde Talentbaum bietet Ihnen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten im Spiel. bietet günstige Path of Exile Items, die für alle Server voll auf Lager sind und so schnell wie möglich geliefert werden. MMOAH hat viele Spieler angezogen, seit sie viele Jahre im Dienst sind, und sie waren der sehr professionelle Lieferant als Produktanbieter.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: meilleursDofuskamas 27.06.2019 10:40

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: Exiorat29 27.06.2019 10:37

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: AuroraGerry01 27.06.2019 08:02

Dofus: Enutrof est sur le point d'inaugurer de nouveaux changements (1)

Dofus: Enutrof est sur le point d'inaugurer de nouveaux changements (1)

Enutrof est le personnage le plus ancien du jeu Dofus. Je crois que les anciens joueurs qui connaissent le dofus connaissent le jeu en dofus.

Au moment de sa naissance, ce personnage est déjà apparu dans le jeu. Avec le changement de version du jeu, Enutrof n'a pas été envoyé dans le jeu.

Ce qui a changé, l’Enutrof immuable ne convient plus au dofus actuel. Donc, dans cette version de 2.52, nous avons commencé à apporter des modifications à Enutrof. Avez-vous hâte de voir Enutrof amélioré?

Dans le classement des rôles de dofus, les valeurs des dommages des 10 meilleurs personnages du jeu en modes PvM et PvP ne sont pas identiques (attaque dans le classement). bien qu'il y ait quelques groupes de mode de dommages dans le PVE.

Hehe, mais seulement après une exploration constante, vous pouvez trouver les mouvements les plus appropriés pour Enutrof. La version 2.52 sera en mode d’attaque, la valeur de dommage Output et d’autres aspects pour modifier Enutrof.

Les détails des modifications sont les suivants:
Augmente la valeur des dégâts lors du lancement d'une arme.
Augmente les dégâts du sort Monnaie Sonnante.
Lorsque vous utilisez la compétence de tir Lancer de Pelle, la force physique est réduite à 4.
La gamme de contrôle de Musette Animée est passée de 3 à 4 et la valeur de résistance a également augmenté.
Augmente les dégâts des sorts de Roulage de Pelle.
La capacité de surveiller l'environnement pendant le jeu est grandement améliorée et l'efficacité de combat de l'équipe ennemie est prédite à l'avance.
Améliorer la capacité anti-appel.
La capacité de guérison dans la plage dynamique a augmenté de 80%.
Le jeu s'est terminé au hasard pour obtenir des kamas dofus.


Nerf: Le sort est moins puissant.
Nerf: Le sort est légèrement moins puissant.
Neutre: The Sort Of The Great Change / The Change on Compound / The Change in a Global Class.
UP: Le sort est légèrement plus puissant.
UP: Le sort est plus puissant.

Dans la version précédente, le sort Maladresse de Masse était utilisé depuis de nombreuses années et l’équipe de conception a conçu Un nouveau sort - Pelle en l'air! Ce sort en forme de souffle est très équilibré en termes de dégâts physiques et physiques. sur vous Lorsque vous infligez de gros dégâts à un ennemi, vous consommez également très peu de force physique.

Si vous souhaitez améliorer votre Enutrof rapidement, Acheter Dofus Kamas pour équiper votre Enutrof d'accessoires et d'animaux de compagnie rares. Ces choses peuvent aider vos personnages de jeu à améliorer et à renforcer rapidement leur force. Cliquez sur le site Web pour acheter des kamas qui vous aideront à rester invincible dans le jeu.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: zx758542360 27.06.2019 07:49

Path of Exile Update Version 1.14 Complete Patch Description (PS4, Xbox One)

On the Adobe PS4 and Xbox One, the Path of Exile may be updated to version 1.14. The following is a new updated patch update for the road to exile.

This is officially marked as the exile path in version 3.7.2, which was first released on the PC. Today, this update is also available to console users.

Console specific
Fixed an oversight caused when the "X" skill was blocked.

Legion improvement
Increase visibility through legion symbols that appear on rewarded monsters and boxes.
As you approach the active crystal in the permanent conflict zone, an effect is added that will be placed around the character.
Legion monsters can be frozen and the body is usually destroyed by the decomposition of the crystal.
Legion boxes may be affected by the curse.
Re-enable Stygian Vise rewards from Abyss rewards.
Reduce the excessive aggressiveness of various legionaries.
Fixed a bug in which the unique eternal gem of barbaric restraint would hardly fall into the joy of eternal conflict.
Fixed a problem where a unique eternal jewel was not properly limited by 1.
The inadvertent repair of the passive skill modified by the gemstone due to the historical gem (ie the gemstone with unique gemstones in the Legion) will provide the original modification in addition to the conquered state.

Skill improvement
Raise audio to a higher level of sound.
Improved shield charge, leap slam and ground slam.
Lava shell visuals now render correctly when they enter the camera view after they are already active.
Frost link currently supports gems held by Totem, Trap, and Mine.
Multistrike support now supports Bladestorm.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: xiayumin 27.06.2019 07:16

Bethesda appear The Elder Scrolls: Blades year application

Schick paints an arresting account of this acceptance of the Elder Scrolls setting; a acceptance told from alone viewpoints rather than put by overarching rules;"At some stage," he says;"the association at Bethesda The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold Studios realised that, for an alternate world, that analysis accomplishments was in actuality a advantage rather than a liability, something that should be recognised and congenital into Tamriel's layout.

So that the academician assurance absitively that all of acceptance the Elder Scrolls world's history and adeptness -- its own lore, in abbreviate -- could be delivered, not from on top, but consistently from the perspectives of characters who inhabited the planet they described. And these descriptions adeptness change, as able-bodied as belie anniversary other, abrogation it up to the players to actuate what was and wasn't true."

Schick goes on to explain the way the franchise's players accept helped to body the apple of Tamriel and its lore;"Exactly what your appearance does, and states, and considers, becomes a allotment of the world. For youpersonally, and whoever abroad shares the experience, what occurred is currently a allotment of this lore. The non-player characters are all there, accommodating to allocution about their acceptance with you personally, but it is you who actualize those acceptance reside, as your appearance has bureau and bent choices at which the NPCs don't."

This may assume a tad intangible. In which The Elder Scrolls: Online has afflicted acknowledgment to its community, But, instances are acicular to by Schick. Characters ancient based on opinions accept returned buy ESO Blades Gold, and the acceptance was adapted significantly. As added than some added Elder Scrolls game, and a result; The Elder Scrolls: Online includes a lore. Whoever you charge to be, there's a abode for you .

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: Sletrry 27.06.2019 04:20

MapleStory M: How to modify the look

MapleStory M allows you to take risks wherever you are, making it the first mobile portal in the series. Players can make their own characters, choose their specific class, and choose the tasks they need to play. That being said, you can choose to modify the way your hero looks from the game so that they don't play generic faces. You can use Maplestory M Mesos to purchase the items you need to change your face.

Before MapleStory M officially begins your journey, you will design your own role. Although the options are limited, you can fix their appearance in the game and choose from better options. After unlocking the menu, click on the menu in the top right corner of the screen. You will extract a list of options, but you want to use the helmet tag to click on the "Characters" tab in the top left corner. When you click this option, another row of tabs appears below where you can click on Hair/Plastic Surgery.

You will then arrive at a new character custom screen in MapleStory M to choose to reprogram your hair or face. You will find that you then have a lot of new styles to pick from, however, they will cost your crystal to unlock. These prices range between 45-95 crystals, to make sure they are not expensive. But take note that Crystal would be the premium currency with the game, and that means you must either spend more money or buy it with MS M Mesos. Either way, this looks like it's the only way to affect the look of your respective MapleStory M.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: Bale 27.06.2019 04:20

Our readers’ and writers’ contributions to this site

are a major reason why Gang Green Nation is the best Jets blog in the history of Jets blogs. No contribution Darryl Roberts Jerseys 2019 , big or small, should go unnoticed. That’s why we’ll highlight some of the best comments and FanPosts on a weekly basis.Without further ado, I bring to you White Brent Qvale Jerseys , Gang Green Nation’s Highlight Reel for the past week:Top Fanposts:Why the New England Patriots Should Win the Super Bowl This Year (Trust Me)The Horn offers his reasoning as to why Tom Brady winning another ring could be a good thing.Let’s Stock Up That OffenseNanananananana wants to draft offense early and often this year.GGN Thread About Nothing #208: Don’t Get Killedfly14 posts a new thread about nothing.Top Comments:On part of the reason why Bowles and Rex failed:Ryan and Bowles with OCs-jetstrikeOn Bountygate:Just a brief comment about Bountygate-Whiskey SlickOn building the offensive line:Offensive line-WalkerToonOn how Payton’s questionable playcalling after the no-call may have cost the Saints the game:Sorry man, but it’s just a dumb move.-CrackbackOn whether or not the Patriots are underrated:-PontiOn Dee Ford’s fit with the Jets:Dee Ford would be a perfect Jet-michael224aOn the fact that the Jets are sitting at home on Championship Sunday:Magliocchetti article...another Championship Sunday-DARN..that never gets..OLD!!On whether or not Adams and Gastineau have similar attitudes:I disagree-SOJ4FEROn how football can sometimes be a game of luck:I mean luck is definitely a factor-IMissFatRexOn the potential Frank Pollack Hire:Gase is putting together a fine staff.-Traveling ManSo there you have it, Gang Green Nation’s Highlight Reel. Want to be featured next week? Just keep doing what you do Brent Qvale Jerseys 2019 , and more importantly, keep being who you are—after all, YOU’RE what makes Gang Green Nation so great! The New York Jets have activated running back Elijah McGuire from the injured reserve list and safety Rontez Miles from the physically unable to perform list. In order to make room for McGuire and Miles on the 53 man roster the Jets have released running back De’Angelo Henderson and safety Ibraheim Campbell.The return of Elijah McGuire may provide rookie quarterback Sam Darnold with another much needed weapon as his best receivers White Robby Anderson Jerseys , Quincy Enunwa and Robby Anderson, continue to work their way back from injuries. Last year in his rookie season the 5’10”, 215 pound McGuire ran the ball 88 times for a rather poor 3.6 yard average Robby Anderson Jerseys 2019 , and caught 17 of 26 passes for 177 yards and a decent 6.8 yards per target. Jets coaches raved about McGuire this past off season, expressing high hopes for significant improvement from his rookie year. The expectation is that McGuire will essentially take over the role of the injured Bilal Powell. If so that would likely leave rookie running back Trenton Cannon as the odd man out in the running back rotation after Cannon got some rare playing time in the absence of Powell.The veteran safety Rontez Miles provides some help for a banged up Jets defensive backfield, though with Marcus Maye on the mend it remains to be seen what kind of role Miles will have.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: liny195 27.06.2019 04:20

Brandon LaFell and Andrew Hawkins co-sign the Josh Gordon

trade Since the Pulpit might as well just be the Josh Gordon live blog until he actually Chris Hogan Jerseys 2019 , um, plays football in a Patriots jersey, if you’re one of the people that’s still skeptical about the trade, hopefully this will kick off your weekend in style. Actually, why are you even still at work? It’s after lunchtime already. Send those TPS reports and get the F out of there.Whenever the Patriots rolls the dice on a player like Josh Gordon, it always feels a little bit better when some old friends can put in a good word, and that’s exactly what Super Bowl champion Brandon LaFell and Ivy League MBA grad Andrew Hawkins did this morning. Hawkins, you may remember, spent a few months with the Patriots last summer before deciding his body was like “Nah, dude, we’re done”, while LaFell definitely needs no introduction around these parts.Speaking of Brandon LaFell, file this one away for trivia night: LaFell and Gordon are both grads of Lamar High School in Houston, TX, and when LaFell graduated and shipped off to LSU, Gordon took over his old spot at X receiver. They’ve been tight ever since.Here’s Brandon’s two cents, from the Boston Herald:And here’s Hawkins White Eric Rowe Jerseys , who as we mentioned before, certainly knows his way around some complex subject matter:And in terms of “needing a change of scenery”, a “fresh start”,or whatever you want to call it, Brandon LaFell threw it out there that you’ve got zero margin for error in New England, but if you put it in the bank, it’ll all pay off on Sundays. Like Ernie Adams says in Do Your Job, there’s no such thing as a game day player.Enjoy your weekend, everybody. Related: 3 reasons why the Patriots drafted Auburn QB Jarrett Stidham"WhitePatriots News Opinion and Analysis Contribute! FanPostsFanShotsAbout the Site List of Patriots Twitter AccountsWrite For Pats Pulpit!New User Welcome and Commenting GuideCommunity GuidelinesMastheadTopics Patriots Off-Season CoveragePatriots Opinion/AnalysisPatriots NewsPatriots Draft CoverageSportfolio ManagementNFL DraftPatriots Opinion/AnalysisPatriots 2019 NFL Draft CoveragePatriots rookie quarterback Jarrett Stidham: Learning from Alabama and GeorgiaNew,6commentsRelated: 3 reasons why the Patriots drafted Auburn QB Jarrett StidhamEDTShareTweetShareSharePatriots rookie quarterback Jarrett Stidham: Learning from Alabama and GeorgiaJohn David Mercer-USA TODAY SportsWhen the New England Patriots selected Auburn quarterback Jarrett Stidham in the fourth round of the 2019 draft, they drafted a player who was a bit of an evaluation enigma. Just what kind of quarterback prospect is Stidham? Is he the player that struggled at times on film, perhaps playing in offenses at Baylor and Auburn that were not tailored to his strengths? Or is he the passer we saw down in Mobile during the Senior Bowl, who seemed comfortable in Kyle Shanahan’s offense, albeit while spending most of the time in shorts and throwing against air in practice?To get a deeper understanding of Stidham I returned to two of his games from last season: Outings against Alabama and Georgia. Between the talent on the other side of the ball (both teams had defensive players drafted in the first round of this draft) and the schemes employed by Nick Saban and Kirby Smart, these contests are as close as a college quarterback can get to playing on an NFL Sunday. What can we learn about how Stidham fared against those two schools last season?At the outset, his numbers were pedestrian at best. He completed 24 of 36 passes for 163 yards against Georgia, without a touchdown or interception. In the Iron Bowl Eric Rowe Jerseys 2019 , Stidham completed just 13 of 30 for 127 yards and a touchdown, and an interception. Auburn lost both games. So, there’s that.But does the film add any notable context? As is usually the case, it does.Beating the BlitzOne of the first things that you see in both games is that Stidham (#8) handled blitz packages pretty well. Numbers demonstrate some of this from his game as a whole, as Stidham rated ninth last year in college football according to Pro Football Focus’s adjusted completion percentage against pressure. He was 19th in PFF’s adjusted completion percent against the blitz metric. But you can see this on film against elite competition in these two games.On this play against Alabama, Stidham aligns in the pocket and the Tigers use a 2x2 formation, with a slot alignment to both sides of the field. Alabama has a sub package in the game, and they show a two-high safety look before the snap. However, the Crimson Tide rotate their defense as the play begins, blitzing a linebacker and sliding into a single-high, Cover 1 coverage:Auburn runs a mesh concept, crossing the slot receivers underneath. Stidham remains calm in the face of this blitz, and replaces the blitzing second level defender with the ball on the crossing route working right to left:Only a great recovery by the trailing cornerback prevents this from turning into a first down.A very tough aspect to playing quarterback for younger passers is identifying and attacking a boundary blitz. During his final college season, Deshaun Watson struggled at times against cornerback blitz looks, and his game against Florida State saw him get fooled by these designs a few times. That is why Stidham’s execution on this cornerback blitz against Alabama is impressive:Stidham spots this blitz from the boundary and immediately comes to it, putting the ball on his receiver for an easy first down conversion. Yes, the throw was a bit low and the play was blown dead as the WR went to his knees to make the catch White LaAdrian Waddle Jerseys , but in the NFL he’s still running. The main point is the process Stidham shows on this play. He spots the blitz, hangs in the pocket (even taking a shot from the blitzer coming from the other side of the formation) and delivers to move the chains.The ability to replace the blitz with the football was something Stidham had displayed weeks prior in Auburn’s loss to Georgia. While his numbers were again pretty pedestrian in that contest, Stidham showed some of the traits that made NFL scouts believe in him, including the Patriots. On this first example from the Georgia contest, Stidham again identifies the pressure and attacks the vacated spot:This time the defense brings a linebacker blitz, and Stidham immediately comes to the slant route that slides into that open space. Stidham does not panic in the face of this pressure, and delivers a strike that moves the chains.On this play from later in the contest, we can see Stidham first active in the presnap phase of the play, adjusting the protection and checking with his running back to make sure that he is on the same page. Then, the Bulldogs bring late pressure, sending both the slot cornerback and a safety off the right side of the offensive line. (It is hard to tell if this is a mistake or if both defenders are tasked with blitzing on this play). Regardless, Stidham spots this and immediately throws to that area of the field:Perhaps more impressive than the recognition here is the placement. Stidham knows that the underneath linebacker is lurking, so he puts this throw on the back shoulder of his target, to get him to throttle down and protect him from that defender. A very good play all around from the quarterback.Running the Patriots OffenseLook closely enough with many college quarterbacks and you can see them running plays right out of New England’s playbook. This uncovers a dark little secret about offenses in the game today: There is a lot more overlap among systems than one might believe. Every team has a mesh concept in the playbook, every team has a three level stretch, every team has four verticals.Auburn, it seems LaAdrian Waddle Jerseys 2019 , has some multiple slant concepts that the Patriots run with TB12 himself.Tosser is one of the route designs that is synonymous with the Patriots offense, perhaps dating back to Chris Brown’s great piece from years ago breaking down New England’s Erhardt-Perkins system. This is a two receiver route concept that pairs one slant route with another slant route. These days you cannot turn on a college football game without seeing one or both teams running this design. Here’s Stidham running it early against Alabama:This is the first play of the game, and Stidham makes the right read and puts this throw in the correct spot, only to see it dropped. Quarterbacks read this inside-out, checking the inside slant route (and the corresponding defender) first before working outside. Stidham sees off coverage over his first option, so he pulls the trigger on the inside route. As for the placement, when throwing the slant route quarterback are taught to put it on the receiver, and not to lead them too far. The goal is to make the catch easy and force the defender to drive through the body to the football. Stidham’s placement is in a good spot, but the receiver cannot make the catch.A few plays later you see Stidham running another concept from New England’s playbook: All-Slant. As you might expect, this is now a three receiver combination, with each running a slant route. Stidham again makes the right read, working all the way to the outside receiver, but is again let down by a drop:This is the right read because the defenders over the two inside routes have inside leverage, taking those away right after the snap. The defender along the outside is playing off coverage, giving the running back an easy release and open space. Stidham spots the slot corner rotating over at the last moment, so he puts this throw again in a spot to protect his receiver, only the RB fails to make the catch.LeftoversBefore wrapping I wanted to highlight two more plays from Stidham’s outing against Georgia that illustrate just briefly what he could be in the NFL. Pocket mobility and execution in the scramble drill are aspects to playing the quarterback position where Tom Brady probably does not get the credit that he should. While no one would confuse Brady with some of the game’s more mobile and agile passers White David Andrews Jerseys , the veteran QB does a great job at feeling pressure and using his feet to extend plays, buying time when necessary to find targets downfield.While Stidham might be more athletic than Brady, pocket footwork and keeping your eyes downfield are a big component of mobility at the quarterback position. On this third and long against Georgia, Stidham faces a linebacker twist inside, but uses his feet to slide to his right and buy time. As he does this, he keeps his eyes trained downfield, and makes a throw on the corner route to move the sticks:This is a very good example of a quarterback not dropping his eyes in the face of pressure, but keeping them downfield to look for an option as the pocket collapses around him.A few weeks ago I posited that Nick Mullens, the backup quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, might be an option for the Patriots given some of the traits he displays at the QB spot. One of them is manipulation. Longtime New England fans have seen Brady over the years move defenders with his eyes. This is something that Stidham also brings to the table as a prospect:Before throwing this slant route, Stidham freezes the play-side linebacker by opening his eyes to the middle of the field. That quick glance is enough to freeze that defender (#32), which creates space for the slant route working to the inside. Looking at this play from the end zone camera illustrates this further:Bear in mind that Stidham does this (and delivers an absolutely perfect throw) backed up in his own end, on the road, while trailing in the second half. an impressive throw. When studying prospects you want to evaluate them against top competition. Alabama and Georgia are two of the best programs that college football has to offer, and perhaps the best simulation for life in the NFL a college quarterback can face. While Stidham’s numbers in those two games last year might have been underwhelming, he still showed some flashes of what he can become as a quarterback against this stiff competition. Perhaps those flashes are what the Patriots and their scouts saw as well.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: liny195 27.06.2019 03:59

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: rsgoldfastWq1 27.06.2019 03:50

Our current poll results seem to agree with

Giants GM Dave Gettleman"Have the New York Giants gotten better or worse this offseason? I keep saying the work by GM Dave Gettleman can’t be judged until we at least see what the Giants are able to do in the upcoming 2019 NFL Draft Oshane Ximines Jersey Draft , where they have a pair of first-round picks and 12 overall selections. Still, there is always a rush to judge nearly everything. With that in mind, SB Nation’s FanPulse asked Giants fans if they felt the team had gotten better in free agency. Fifty-nine (59) percent said yes, despite Odell Beckham Jr., Olivier Vernon and Landon Collins being gone and Eli Manning still being the quarterback. Our FanPulse voters also told us the Giants made the right choice by sticking with Manning.Giants GM Dave Gettleman said recently he believes the team has had a “really good offseason.” Our poll participants appear to concur.Results of both polls might be surprising if you get swallowed up in all of the social media criticism of the Giants. Perhaps, though, it’s an example of how an unhappy and exceptionally vocal minority can dominate a conversation.Want to participate in FanPulse? Sign up here.Valentine’s Views: Right tackle situation, winning blueprint, more It’s Tuesday, and that means time for the look inside my brain for New York Giants-related thoughts that I always call “Valentine’s Views.” In case you care, and you probably don’t Oshane Ximines NFL Jersey , I’ve been using that title since I was sports editor of my college newspaper, the Morrisville Chimes, almost 40 years ago. It just sorta stuck.Anyway, let’s get to the things I think about the Giants this week. The right tackle problem isn’t solvedAs I knew there would be, there was much arguing over my choice Monday to give J.J. Watt “Kudos” rather than give Chad Wheeler a “Wet Willie” after Sunday’s game.Wheeler gave up three of the four sacks taken by Eli Manning on Sunday. He was also responsible for five of the eight pressures on Manning, per Pro Football Focus. Those are the raw numbers.“He battled and in my opinion, even though he got beat on a couple of snaps, I thought he had a winning performance,” was coach Pat Shurmur’s assessment.Here is how I view Wheeler’s performance. I would agree with Shurmur. For Sunday’s game. The line as a whole was better. Wheeler didn’t commit any penalties or have any egregious assignment errors, which by itself made his work better than that of Ereck Flowers the first two weeks.Now for the “but.” The “but” is that the way Wheeler played Sunday won’t be good enough over the next 13 games. He won’t be facing a future Hall of Famer every week, but he will be facing some really good players. One of those will be this week when he lines up against Cameron Jordan of the New Orleans Saints. He had 13 sacks in in All-Pro 2017 season Oshane Ximines NFL Draft , and already has four this year.Winning performance or not vs. Houston, Wheeler is going to have to play better. The Giants’ right tackle problem has not, by any stretch of the imagination, been solved.Better work from Patrick OmamehI mentioned on Sunday that after the news broke regarding the benching of Ereck Flowers (sorry, Coach Shurmur you can say it was about Wheeler but we know it was about Flowers) that the calls for Omameh to join Flowers began.In discussing Omameh’s play in the first two games, I wrote “sometimes an offensive lineman’s play can be impacted by the struggles or mistakes of the guy next to him.”Well, with two new lineman next to him — center John Greco to his left and Wheeler to his right — Omameh played well against the Texans. Omameh allowed one pressure in 35 pass-blocking snaps and, for whatever you think Pro Football Focus grades are worth, had the highest grade of any Giants’ offensive lineman at 77.6.When I think about Omameh, my mind keeps going back to Will Beatty, James Brewer and the 2013 season that saw Eli Manning sacked a career-worst 39 times. Beatty Oshane Ximines Buffalo Bills Jersey , with a freshly minted mega contract, surrendered 11 of those sacks. In no other season of his career did Beatty give up more than four sacks. Starting next to Beatty in eight of those 2013 games was Brewer, who played only two more NFL games after that and was then out of the league.When it comes to offensive line play, you have to trust that the guy next to you not only can do his job, but that he knows what that job is.I’m not saying that Flowers is to blame for Omameh’s early struggles. I don’t know that. I’m just saying that going forward it will be interesting to watch how Omameh plays without Flowers next to him.Drew Brees looms ... and that’s worrisomeThe weakest part of the Giants game on Sunday was probably their secondary. The Giants gave up 385 yards passing to Deshaun Watson and let’s be truthful here. Watson has a great arm and he’s a tremendous athlete, but he isn’t the world’s most accurate passer. He made some plays on the run, but standing in the pocket Sunday vs. the Giants Watson missed a number of throws that should have been completions.The guy the Giants face this Sunday won’t miss those throws.That guy would be Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints. At 67.1 percent completions, he is the most accurate passer in NFL history. Brees has completed an absurd 80.6 percent of his throws this season. While carving up the Atlanta Falcons last week for 396 passing yards, three touchdowns and 43 points, Brees passed some guy named Brett Favre for most pass completions all-time.The play of free safety Curtis Riley has thus far been a concern. The absence of Eli Apple (groin) was felt last week. The Giants need to be better — much better — in coverage against the Saints or Brees will light the Giants up.The blueprint has been establishedI mentioned this on Sunday after the game against the Texans, but it bears repeating. Sunday’s victory established the blueprint Color Rush Oshane Ximines Jersey , the way that Giants want to play football. That means efficient, explosive offense that takes advantage of the mismatches they can create. Opportunistic defense that creates turnovers and forces field goals. Special teams that don’t a) leave points off the board and b) help put the opposition in position to score more often.Can the Giants consistently follow that blueprint? No one knows for sure, but Sunday showed that there is a path for the Giants to become a good football team.Podcast stuffIn case you missed this week’s announcement, Big Blue View has launched a podcast of its own as part of the SB Nation Podcast Network. Currently, the show is hosted by two of our excellent staff members, Dan Pizzuta and Chris Pflum. Please give the show a try.If you’re looking for the show being hosted by Patricia Traina and yours truly, we are still at Locked On Giants. [E-mail Ed at or via the Big Blue View Contact Page | Follow Big Blue View on Twitter | ‘Like’ Big Blue View on Facebook | Follow Big Blue View on Instagram]

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Trent Murphy and Kyle Williams are a full

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