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Albion Online's Nimue Update Launched Today

Crystal Kingdom Fight
The Crystal Kingdom is usually a visually compelling new arena, and it has an alternative plane through which players can compete against rival guilds in epic group battles and gain valuable rewards. There is a lot of battle every day, and all participants get a share of the spoils based on performance. This product offers wartime spoils for novice and less experienced GvG teams.

New party findings and other improvements in quality of life
Party Finder is undoubtedly a brand new lobbying system that allows Albion's independent players, small groups and guilds to Cheap Albion Silver
participate in parties and participate in a wide range of open-world events. You can search for parties based on a range of criteria, including the number of participants, expected activities, and project power.

This update also brings several major quality of life improvements:
Opportunity to now mark allies or enemies, guild leaders and shooters can have a better overview, enabling them to command their battles more effectively.
Through simplified crop and building arrangements, farmers and builders can grow their fields and buildings faster.
The city of Albion is doing its utmost to improve architecture and lighting, and to make the city a glory.

New creatures and accessories
Players can form teams to cancel the current smaller version. Each corresponds to one of Albion's six different biomes and provides valuable resources for the biome. And now five new cloaks can make powerful spell attacks. Together, these new monsters and items provide players with the new power to Albion Online Silver For Sale
create parties and explore the open world of Albion.

If you read this article, don't you know what you expect from this update?

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: xiayumin 22.07.2019 04:10

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: bersediget 21.07.2019 13:01

Don’t Be Fooled by These 5 Small Business Digital Marketing Myths

Digital marketing has revamped small businesses into large organizations without actually investing a fortune. These days all the information you need to grow your business digitally is available on the Internet. That said, some of the information on the internet is full of marketing myths and will lead you astray.

If you want your business to grow to a new height, you need to give all of your attention to digital marketing. In order for your online business to succeed, you have to make sure that you are using a firm and reliable hosting platform. It is ideal to hire best digital marketing company for the promotion of your business.

In this article, we will see 5 digital marketing myths.

#1 Digital marketing is only for big businesses

This was true in the past. But nowadays, many things have changed. Technology has developed. It is now very easy for you as a small business owner to get your hands on software that is critical for business growth. If you have a strong online presence it is going to make your business grow. The number of people using social media and digital searching for online businesses continues to grow.

Your business website is just like your salesperson and receptionist. The bottom line here is that digital marketing is not just for big business, but small and medium-sized businesses can also benefit from it.

#2 Email marketing is spam

Clients, as well as business owners, are surprised after learning that email marketing is one of the most under rated marketing medium and but it is actually a great channel with high ROI. The truth is that email marketing is just like any other channel. If it is rightly used, it will command great effects for your business. Most people actually prefer email marketing for their businesses.

On the other hand, if it is misused, you will get very little output from it. Many business owners misuse it by spamming. This may give it a bad name, but it does not mean that is ineffective. A lot of small businesses have grown to new heights because they were able to make good use of their email marketing list.

#3 You need to be on every social media platform

There are many communities and demographics on the internet. Not all of the targeted groups are going to be interested in the goods you sell or the services your render. Targeting random groups and communities online is not the best way for increasing your customers. Rather, you should focus your attention only a handful of people who are actually interested in your products and services.

There are several ways through which you can get in touch with your targeted demographics. One of the most effective way to get in touch with the targeted audience is through various social media platforms that are available. The myth that you need to be on every social media platform is a complete sham because your targeted audiences are close to a few platforms.

Giving your complete attention to 2 or 3 social media platform is better than giving a fringe of your attention to all of them.

#4 Results are instant

Many people have the belief that if you work hard and do everything right, you are going to get instant results for your hard work. Well, the truth is that even if you have worked very hard on a campaign, you may not get the results of your hard work immediately. Most of the time, digital marketing yields good results in the long run. Digital marketing can be easily tracked. This, therefore, gives you an avenue to determine if a campaign is yielding good results or not.

#5 It is better to use duplicate content

Many websites and business owners believe that copying and posting content is okay. But what they don’t see is that each time they duplicate content, Google penalizes them. If you repeat your website content, Google is going to reduce your ranking, because you are not offering anything valuable.

The content on your website must resonate with your customer and provide them with valuable information that encourages them to work with you or purchase from you as a business. Great content means great benefits for your company.

Final note

When starting with your digital marketing journey, avoid the marketing myths by only hunting information from reputable sites or seek the help and advice of digital marketing agency that has your business’s best interests in mind.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: galagali23 20.07.2019 12:35

Wonder Full Keto : Reviews Buy (Wonder Full Keto)

Wonder Full KetoAny foul up in eating routine may bring about an insulin spike which would stop the generation of ketones, viably "showing you out" of ketosis or dragging out the time it takes to get into ketosis. Numerous individuals experience influenza like side effects during this time allotment as your body makes this troublesome change, including sickness, weakness, tipsiness, touchiness, and so on… terrible by any means. I for one encountered Keto Flu HARD for 3 days when I made the change to ketosis and I just remained in ketosis for around 3 weeks. Why?

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: WilliKilanks 20.07.2019 12:05

Top 10 Reasons You Should Use Placement Consultants in Thane

Why placement consultants in Thane are expected to be the reason to a great employment drive is very much noticeable and proven by the fact that requires no proof. Anyhow we perhaps ought to talk about the 10 most obvious reasons that make top placement agencies in Thane to be the first choice for employment requisites:

Professional Stature:

A reliable manpower consultancy builds its goodwill over the years with its brand awareness campaign. Its valued reference is considered to the point that highest priority is given to the candidate list which the manpower consultancy forwards to its employer since the company knows that an exhaustive inspection and sorting out has already been carried out by the manpower consultancy in the interviewing phase and pre-selection rounds.

Factual Representation:

For a job searcher, it’s a prospect to know how an organization stands by its name and destiny. There are many which don’t have trustworthiness and can shut business anytime. But companies that are endorsed by top placement agencies in Thane have high turnover revenue and are termed to be future safeguarded. They strictly follow government labor laws and work in the direction of employee motivation. A candidate can rely on the companies they represent and enjoy a satisfying future ahead.

Strong market analysis:

Most top job consultants are very forward in their approach as they are skilled to handle and process various human resource requirements. Apparently, this makes them an expert in scrutinizing both urban market scenarios and potential of local area. Most of the top job consultants maintain a log of past and current applications from even far and wide corners of their employment reach. It knows well about forthcoming breaks and can offer a ready reference to even native talent to occupy the position of an upcoming vacancy and transform these recruitments into promising opportunities for youth.

Time saver:

A best job consultancy will handle, plan and perform applications almost in the best way possible. Not only, an employer can save the tiresome time consuming task of categorizing applications done through a best job consultancy more quickly but the candidate also don’t need to wait for weeks before he can be reserved for an interview. Once an applicant clears his/her rounds, he can anticipate a quick calling from the agency. Indeed, the type of approach shown by professional consultants makes them a real motivator in this field.

Destiny maker:

A top placement consultancy will offer an open prospect emporium of companies that sometimes don’t disclose their job openings in public but only give employment through their staffing agencies. These top placement consultancies often have direct links with worldwide employers and selected establishments like airlines, hoteliers and multi-national corporate houses, so they endorse a company’s job right through their portal. A candidate can also anticipate getting a chance of foreign employment opportunities from these consultancies.

6. Confidentiality:

In this digital era, breach of data is common but when we happen to share our personal information with leading overseas recruitment agencies, we are sure that our information is in safe hands. The top overseas recruitment agencies don’t reveal our information to anybody keeping our work status confidential, feasibly desirable to prospective employers if ever we wish to change current company.

7. Guide:

Recruiters have been efficacious to reach out to the masses since they are taken seriously in their work culture and confidence. A top recruitment agency will support the candidate how to get prepared for his rounds. Those who are unsuccessful in their tests are helped by the recruiter to be well up-to-date and well-read about potential challenges and implications they can face in their rounds. A candidate can overcome his weak points and stress on his strengths to attain a winning situation.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: galagali23 20.07.2019 11:33

These creams contain fantastic Fast Burn Keto ingredients, which have been proven to moisturize and hydrate the skin, Fast Burn Keto beyond what a normal moisturizer is able to do.Often times, sagging skin, whether in the neck, essential to our overall good health.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: Infincele 20.07.2019 10:50

MH-CET 2019 - Best Tips and Tricks

Maharashtra – Common Entrance Test (MH-CET) is a test conducted yearly by the State CET Cell of the Government of Maharashtra. It is necessary to clear this exam to get admission to first-year full-time degree courses of Health Sciences (MBBS, BAMS, BDS, BUMS, BP&O, BPTh, BHMS, BOTh, BASLP, BSc. Nursing and B.V.Sc. & AH) and Technical Education (Pharmacy and Pharm. D, Technology & Engineering).
MH-CET was stopped in the year 2013. After a 2-year long gap of accepting JEE Mains scores, the examination has been revived in the year 2018. Apart from joining good MH-CET coaching classes, here are few tips which will help you to crack this exam.
Best Tips to Enhance Your Preparation for MH-CET: -

MH-CET shouldn’t create much of a problem to candidates that are already preparing for other competitive exams like JEE Mains and Advanced. This is because the exam has been and is expected to be a little lower in difficulty level as compared to JEE Mains.

It is essential to know the syllabus well. CBSE applicants should find out for the topics which are not covered in CBSE and study them thoroughly. Specifically, in the case of Physics, one finds that topics like Semiconductors, Interference and Waves have little extra theory that must be prepared individually.

The Chemistry exam of MH-CET is said to be easy as that compared to most standards. Direct questions based on equations and reactions are bound to come, and having them imprinted in your mind will assist you save a lot of time during the exam. It is a good idea if you keep a handbook that comprises all the formulae and equations during preparation. Make sure to note down a new formula in this book whenever you come across one and also to revise all the formulas at end of each day.

At the time of your preparation, divide the available time evenly among all subjects. All the subjects will have roughly the same weight-age in relation to qualifying marks. Biology needs a lot of revision as even minor facts from any corner of the syllabus can be asked. As the syllabus is vast, it is good thought if aspirants commence to prepare for Biology at least 5-6 months prior the date of exam.

Research has found that most of the students face problems dealing with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) even if they have prepared properly. Practice in solving MCQs can prove to be a great assistance in this cause. Solving MCQs from the different practice books available in the market can be a wise decision.

Don’t forget to solve the previous year’s papers as well as sample papers for MH-CET 2019. It would give you a rough idea of how the paper can be. Timing your examination sessions to 3 hours and simulating exam day conditions can also prove to be the best exercise while preparing for the exam.

MH-CET Mathematics exam has been seen to be lengthy most of the time. So it is necessary that you enhance your speed-solving skills. Solve as many questions as possible prior to the exam, and ensure to progressively raise your speed by making note of timing used to solve each problem.

Always know that it’s the best practice to routinely take breaks from preparation as this will assist in releasing all that accumulated tension as well as stress. This quality might prove to be very useful when the exam day comes.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: galagali23 20.07.2019 10:37

Panalean in your meal foods rich in healthy fats, such as those located in olive oil, avocado and coconut, as well as foods full of whole grains like brown rice, breads, cereals and brown repast. Include in your plans the increase in consumption of nuts, seeds, lean meat and fishing.

The guidance is that kind never ever take type of weight-loss medicines while you nursed. Is offering since xbox been no study present it is risk-free for you to do so; exactly why take chance? Panalean it isn't advised generate use any kind of kind of crash diet particularly individuals tell a person take out some particular food groups while nursing. Yet again artificial sweets substitutes aren't suggested with your nursing diet as as just stated there will not be a study that validates may risk-free to complete!
Read More....>>>>

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: RichardCasey01 20.07.2019 09:57

You are a warrior Maple story M Mesos

You are a warrior Maple story M Mesos an initiator, or a heavy gunner, then remember to go to the red star shop in Queenstown to purchase curative reiki AIDS, since black fat can radically lessen the effects of drugs on MapleStory 2 players, while curative magic doesn't.The older driver MapleStory 2 gameplay of disorderly copy differs from the older driver MapleStory 2 gameplay of adventure copy. The old driver trick for adventure dungeons is to experience the customs and give

an old driver a copy, collect a certain amount of old driver money then go to Queenstown to find NPC Sparta to exchange to get the desired thing. The older driver's MapleStory 2 game is to have the old motorist's treasure box as long as the older motorist's treasure box has the newest chaotic copy. There are abundant decorations in the old driver's treasure box, for example ancient magical stone, various style gems, capacitor

crystals and other props, along with an additional old motorist's cash is also given.The shadow coin limitation has been upgraded again, with as much as 75, 000 shadow MapleStory 2 Mesos saved. Super cool dark series tools, a total of four upgraded tools, these four instruments are green quality. The instruments purchased in the instrument store are of white caliber, the tools traded in the shadow coin store are of green caliber, and the tools purchased

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: MaplestoryMCN 20.07.2019 09:35

Prevent Heart Disease By Keeping Your Heart Healthy

You can prevent heart disease by focusing all year round on your heart health. If you haven’t scheduled your regular wellness visit and cardiac assessment, ensure to schedule one with your heart specialist. It’s always good to keep regular wellness practices in place, which not only help you keep an eye on your overall health, however it can also help you spot unexpected problems before they become severe.

Heart disease is a leading reason for death. But despite that, it’s one of the most preventable diseases. And thankfully, there are things you can do to increase your chances of preventing heart disease.

Why is heart health important?

Heart disease can encompass a variety of various types of conditions, but all of them relate to the heart in a way. For example, one of the most common types of heart disease, coronary artery disease, also called cardiovascular disease, involves conditions and functions that cause the heart to become less effective, or even worse : plaque build-up inside coronary arteries, reduction of blood flow, blockages, heart attacks, or sudden cardiac death. These conditions, caused by the plaque forming inside the coronary arteries, are a results of calcium, cholesterol, fat, and other sorts of substances.

Keeping your heart healthy means avoiding unwanted plaque build up, blockages, heart attacks and cardiac death. Keeping your heart healthy means ensuring that your heart will continue to work for as long as you’re alive. You want to avoid having your heart stop working before then! And with proper personal health strategies and style changes, you'll be able to decrease the probability of unwanted heart complications, and even prevent heart condition.

Ways to keep your heart healthy

Staying vigilant with your heart health is incredibly important. heart disease can begin to take effect before you even see the major symptoms of heart disease. this is why it’s necessary to be aware of your heart and body’s general health. you can combine wellness visits with your heart specialist in addition to self check-ups to stay as consistent as possible with your health.

A great way to be on top of your heart’s health is through self-monitoring your blood pressure on everyday basis. hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a major risk issue for heart disease. frequently checking your pressure level helps you stay aware of the condition your heart and body is in and can help you determine potential heart-related issues before they become too serious.

Maintaining a good diet and staying active can also drastically improve your heart health in general. Even just half-hour of exercise per day, five days out of your week can create a big difference in the health of your heart. when it comes to your diet, reducing sugar and fat intake and increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables will play a large role to keep your heart healthy.

Aside from regular wellness visits and cardiovascular check-ups for your healthy heart, you will want to know the major signs of stroke, heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. Your heart specialist in Mumbai can help you to identify warning signs of these cardiovascular problems.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: galagali23 20.07.2019 09:08

Tips to Deal with a Patient Recovering from Brain Surgery

Brain Surgery can be a very traumatic experience; it takes times for a patient to revert to his/her normal energy levels. It is common for many patients to faces spells of dizziness, confusion, depression and weakness post-surgery.
It takes approximately 12–18 months for the operated brain to heal and gradually the patient will regain all his functions and get back to his daily routine. However, in that time they need the complete support and understanding of their near and dear ones, as well may need help from therapists. This will help the patient in gaining back their independence as well as confidence in their abilities.
Given below are some tips that will help you deal with a patient:
After undergoing brain surgery, a person may feel disoriented and have some speech or understanding disorder for a while. Family members and friends are advised to take pause when talking to the patient, so that he/she can easily understand the conversation which is going on. Speaking slowly and softly is not advisable, as patients may recognize it and have an emotional outburst or feel hurt.
Caretakers and family members should also keep reminding the conversation topic at different points to the patient, so that it is easier for them to participate in the conversation.
Family members should also not react adversely in case of emotional expression, instead show love and patience to a person who is recovering.
Caregivers should make sure that the person recovering from brain surgery gets enough sleep and rest to recover.
People talking with the patients should understand that the person’s ability to learn and remember will improve day-to-day, and any lapses in attention by the patient are not caused by any act of stubbornness. Your care and understanding will be essential towards them to recover.
Family members should also make sure just to give enough care and not smother the brain surgery survivor. It is essential for them to regain their confidence and a sense of competence.
Family members should take the patient for a neuropsychological examination — after treatment, 6 months later, and a year later to see if they are recovering properly. Caregivers should watch out for emotional outbursts, like rage, uncontrollable laughter, withdrawal and depression. In case of such symptoms it is advisable to take the patient for a checkup with medical practitioner.

Jetzt kommentieren Autor: galagali23 20.07.2019 06:34

Usually, every woma

Usually, every woman will face problems; they all choose to listen to their parents, listen to their elders, and believe in tradition. This is an era of rapid development. If you still limit yourself to the tradition of old ideas, you will not be as lucky as our ancestors. The mother and child mentioned here are not the women after marriage, but all the women who will have children and the children she gave birth. As for why there are so many marriage tragedies and so many single-parent families, if you still don��t know When is the reason, I may understand this article. The advent of a new life is a happy and exciting thing, and then things will come. Bringing children; taking things with children is usually the most done by women Cheap Cigarettes, and the sadness in them is only known to women themselves. But with children, there is a misunderstanding in people's minds. The most common thing we have is that the child feeds when he is crying, sleeps when he is full, wakes up and continues to eat, eats and continues to sleep; just like this day and night Live each day Marlboro Cigarettes. The child is born, his main job is to cry and sleep, but the adults are different, to be busy with other things, but also to take care of the children (taking the child is the hardest and most tiring work, you should understand if you have personal experience). The newborn child is like a blank sheet of paper. What kind of way do you give him what kind of way he will get used to, so more and more parents and children have a bad relationship. When they were young, they used to give their children so many problems. If you grow up, you can't control it, or you can deceive your parents. As a parent, have you ever regretted it? Heartache? Have you ever thought that this is all caused by yourself? Crying, the child crying does not mean that he is hungry; to feed the child to master the number and regularity, to feed him at a limited time, if the child does not cry in the time, do not hold around, do not squat, put it on the bed, let He cried; when the child did not cry, he picked up the child and played with him. Like our current method, once you see your child crying, you will be screaming, holding around, shaking everywhere, so that only bad and no good sleep, children should have time to sleep; don't care about day and night, eat full Sleeping; this is not only unhealthy, but also bad for the child's growth. Mothers with children, can you sleep in the middle of the night and be tossed by children? There are woods that let the children sleep hard during the day. Children who are sleepy at night and have to play with their children are just born. During the day, don��t let the children sleep, play with him when they are full, read books, listen to music, watch TV, etc. If the weather is better, take the children out for a walk and sunbathe; in short, don't let the children fall asleep. He will be tired after a day of activities during the day. After he is fed to him at night, even if he does not sleep until dawn, he will basically not delay the rest of the adults. In this way, not only the adults can rest well, but also develop good habits for the children Marlboro Gold, and reduce the burden on the children. Children are not only the future of the motherland, but also the future of each family. They will develop a good habit for children Parliament Cigarettes. For his growth and life, as well as future life, learning and independence are good breast milk. Almost all women will It is best to think that your child is breastfeeding, because this is what our ancestors passed down. So many women have children and naturally breastfeed their children. In fact, there are two bad places to do this. First, from the perspective of the child; nowadays young people are not very good at eating and eating habits, and their nutritional supplements are incomplete. In this way, breastfeeding children are fed. There will be no big benefit; the child is like a small tree and needs a lot of nutrients to feed; in this case, the milk powder is much better than the breast milk, and the nutritional supplement in the milk powder is relatively perfect. For children, when he first came to this world, he should slowly adapt to some things in this world. Milk powder is definitely the best start. Second, we all know that where a new device is placed, its life can be extended for a long time; but if you use it, even if it is used only once, it will quickly rust and rust, and it will age faster. The breast is a symbol of a woman and a woman's pride As far as feelings are concerned, it is also a factor in maintaining a long-term marriage. For a child, although it is a biological one, the child has his own life, future and family. Parents can guide their children, discipline their children, and raise their children. This is an obligation, but you don't need to speed up your age for your child. Maybe getting older is a woman's willingness, but in many cases the breakdown of the family is only when the woman's body changes. What the child needs is a warm and harmonious family. It is not a man or a woman who is single with a child, wandering, suffering, and helpless. Every woman should cherish herself, cherish marriage, care for children, and let good feelings be a happy family. Author's words: Love poetry love articles, can help to write meaning poems, Tibetan poems, essays, poems, favorite
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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: ylq 20.07.2019 05:53

Colorful neon flashes lik

Colorful neon flashes like a lot of life, dim starry nights like ignorance of life. And she, born in a faint starry night, staying in the colorful neon time is always accompanied by the passage of life Cheap Cigarettes, and life is a dream, come and go. She is the person who knows this truth. Chasing after the whole day, when tired, at the end of the road, I look forward to the light and far-reaching. She hides in the depths of the mountains and looks forward to the bustling city Marlboro Cigarettes. She loves nature and she is in love with red dust. She is a windy woman, she longs for freedom. In the silent mountains, there were a lot of roaring sounds from far and near, followed by windy arrogance, cloud gathering, and earth tremors accompanied by the roaring train. It rushed unscrupulously, and shuttled through the densely populated mountains, intertwining a series of thrilling pictures. At this time, she will always be excited. Run hard, jump, chase, play, until quiet come back. She is also a very beautiful woman, she longs for all the beautiful things. She is the elf of the mountain forest, and the beating figure is like a cloud of clouds, like the wind blowing snow. She is the blue of the sky, the innocent face like autumn chrysanthemum, like winter snow. She is the dancer of the sea, and her good posture is like spring pine. When she is like a young child, she is innocent and she is chasing beauty. When she was young, she was self-pity and she yearned for the future. When she was old, she was white and snowy. She lingered on her evening. She was always the woman I admired. The woman like the wind, the carefree woman, the woman who pampered the sky, the snow fell, everything Like wearing a silver suit, it looks so harmonious Cigarettes For Sale. In this snow, there is a blush that is particularly conspicuous. In this year-round snow-covered country, a tall woman with a white snow is lying on a young woman with a face like a city. She wore a snowy one-piece dress, and the white skin made her almost blend into the snow. Only her face was too pale, in this white world, as if she was a fairy in heaven. Under the fairy, there is a large piece of red. This red is not bleak, and it is also tender and delicate. It was blood red, red bright, red bright, red incomparable only to see a man wrapped in a black trench coat, holding a delicate rose in his hand. This flower is also red, like a trailing fairy. The man in the windbreaker is gazing, but he also has a face that can confuse thousands of women. He decided to move forward and stepped onto the platform to come to the woman. Suddenly, he squinted on his knees and half of himself fell into the snow. The man looked at the woman in the snow with a burning look, as if she could wake her up. After a long time, he took out the rose and placed it beside the woman. A drop of tears fell on the woman's face along the flower, slowly sliding into the snow and disappearing. For a long time, the man stood up and kept covering the snow on the high platform with his hands. I don't know how long it took, the woman disappeared and was buried in the snow forever... Then the man disappeared into the land. From beginning to end, he didn't say a word. I don't know where he came from. I don't know where he went back to the snow and he recovered calm. Just like nothing happened Marlboro Gold, except for the high platform, there is more hills and more snow. A row of footprints of blood solidified in the snow, blending with the snow. In this snowy country, snow and blood are madly blending
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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: ylq 20.07.2019 05:49

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Jetzt kommentieren Autor: HattieEvans01 19.07.2019 13:04
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