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FIFA says president Infantino won't meddle in World Cup

After Morocco questioned Gianni Infantino's impartiality, FIFA maintained Wednesday that the president won't meddle inside the 2026 World Cup bidding contest and reminded the North African nation to abide with the rules.
The prospect of Infantino privately backing the North American campaign was discussed on Tuesday by Morocco bid chairman Moulay Hafid Elalamy.
Bids may be blocked on the FIFA Congress vote on FIFA 19 Coins June 13 when scored lowly using a task force , that's packed with people appointed to jobs by Infantino.Up to 207 from the 211 member federations will vote, while using four bidding members excluded.
At a briefing in Casablanca, Elalamy had complained that "it's very serious should the opinion of your president could change strategic opinions."The role in the task force continues to be strengthened as soon as the now-discredited FIFA executive committee this year all but ignored the FIFA-produced technical reports that identified Russia and Qatar since the highest-risk bids whenever they voted for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups."The bidding process to the 2026 FIFA World Cup is just as fair, objective and transparent mainly because it can get," FIFA said."We contact all bidders and the ones involved to follow those principles."Morocco is taking with a North American campaign led from the United States, which hopes to host 60 with the 80 games in 2026.Canada and Mexico would stage 10 games each with the first World Cup expanded from 32 to 48 finalists. Shop on MMOAH is safe and convenient where you can enjoy the wonderful shopping experience. With the fast development of world internet technology, they can provide Cheap 19 FUT Coins.

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