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Soulworker Online mobile launches in China on July

In nowadays, it is sometimes complicated to understand that the Soul Worker Dzenai Online mobile version exists and we all only learn about this 72 hours before release. Sure, it's rather a release in China, however. One of our most anticipated free free online games, Soulworker Online is a legitimate beautiful anime brawler originally released on PC. While Korean and Japanese players seem to be enjoying it, North American and European players are patiently awaiting their version. German publisher Gameforge promised news shortly, but months use with no update. Let's hope doesn't necessarily cancel the PC release and choose mobile only, eh? That would be soul-crushing.
Anyway, Cheap Soul Worker Dzenai Online mobile is releasing in China on July 21, 2017. It seems like they're keeping the PC gameplay, but clearly without worrying about frantic action and responsive controls about the original game.
Watch the intro trailer below together with a couple of animated gameplay gifs. If you want a game through the same genre when you wait, Kritika Online could be a good bet.

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