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See StormX ele shamans buy wow classic gold

See StormX ele shamans wow classic gold mess people (visit Wrex) and hybrids are in no way bad and they never were. The men and women who played them such as Mash were, while calling other people"casuals". Maybe you ought to have really learned to play that druid rather than attributing class design for the reason you failed. Then again that is why you remained on the class to have that built in excuse isn't it.

I am a ele shaman main btw and I respec to heal in raids and you? Are crap. Shamans need no buffs, elemental does NOT have to be workable and you are a HEAL hybrid. If you are a heal hybrid which never throws offheals or dispels in a BG, you are trash. No one wants to play you. If you don't wish to learn how to heal then don't play with a heal hybrid. You know what? Current WoW. You clowns destroyed WoW and want to ruin it around again.

Blizzard will don't hesitate to go complete casual retard but then they will take a look at the retail figures drop, the churn will become more rigorous completely and they will learn in practice that so as to boost player participation they'll need to return to the old gameplay hardcore style. That will take one or two expansions then, propablly a cataclysmic type of rework. (because fuck it... at that point why not a new engine) and we'll get a 1-60 incremental and then almost flat but slow like in vanila leveling rate. The previous raids will become relevant again since the rewards wont become unworthy the moment you jump over to 61 ( thing level rework to eliminate high jumps in power in between the expansions) and it'll take abouto 6 weeks for a casual to reach game. More if he doesnt rush, and he wont hurry because hurrying for 6 months is unsustainable for any individual which means they will be forced by the nature of WoW Classic to settle in for the long haul and get started enjoying WoW Classic as it was meant to be.

What I am worried about is; warriors, rogues and mages being elitist cunts, thinking they are so good at WoW Classic if it is simply their course being more successful than others. I'm worried they're going to feel entitled to boss other gamers about and feel as they should be rewarded more. It happened back in the day, it is going to happen again.I'm likely to play a balance druid in WoW Classic because I am going to play quietly and mainly play pvp. But I can see now folks stating, balance is not viable, you can not raid with us. No, equilibrium isn't OPTIMAL. But still, I don't want them to balance classes. As an example, I need balance druids to have their spells mana cost reduced or partially reimbursed on crit (such as mages should they spec to it). But if they enthusiast equilibrium druids like this they are going to be really powerful in pvp if they are fairly decent.

I mean the probability of what you mentioned actually occurring in actual pvp battlegrounds is unlikely someone will either cc or nuke you. Epic mount can grab up real quickly. The issue with everybody here is that buy wow classic gold men are acting like this item is the absolute best when in fact its discretionary. Yea sequentially using items can be an advantage but you'd gave to be good at timing the gcd and many pvpers are not capable of utilizing this thing as efficiently to begin with.Cost a lot of cash? Its worst 50 silver

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