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y, both supe

Another ridertaking glory in the Tour of Britain聽was Mark Cavendish Cheap Mike White Jersey , marginally taking the final stage in London over SamBennett to clock up his third stage win of the campaign and a record ten stagessince the competition began. He also took the Llanberis and Guildford stages,the latter seeing a final sprint through the high street, an uphill batter overcobbles which was a fantastic spectacle.

Throughout theseason we have seen a number of injuries to key riders, most notably Wigginswho endured a back injury which prevented him from attempting to retain hisTour De France title.

Back Injuries

Lower backpain is a common complaint among cyclists, both professional and amateur alike.Back pain from cycling is typically as a result of overuse and pushingthemselves too far, with prolonged flexion of the lumbar spine being the rootcause of any problems incurred. Prolonged flexion can lead muscle fatigue Falcons Justin Bethel Jersey ,ligament tension and compression of the discs.

Back bracescan be used to manage back pain, working to offer support and allow you toremain mobile for longer. There are a variety of back braces available, howeverthey are all designed to treat lumbar sprains and conditions resulting fromoveruse. The compression offered by back braces helps to manage the pain, whichcan help to improve mobility during recovery doing simple things like gettingof the car to being able to get back on your bike.

In generalback braces are used during recovery and in conjunction with other methods suchas physiotherapy, light exerciseand rest. Back braces should always be used in conjunction with other forms ofrehabilitation and are designed to work with you to enhance your recovery,rather than being the only recovery method opted for.

Knee Injuries

Knee injuriesrange in their severity , with a mild sprain taking a few days to heal comparedwith ligament damage which can take up to a year following surgery. The ridersin the Tour of Britain know that coming off their bike at speeds of up to 100kmper hour can cause serious injury, both superficial and joint related.

Falling ofyour bike can be very painful and in considering the knee joint impact damagecan cause swelling which will hinder movement. The best remedy for such aninjury is ice and rest, with the swelling expected to subside within a coupleof days. A knee support can also be worn during this time to help manage theinflammation and pain. If the pain fails to subside within a few days then youshould seek advice from a clinician to ensure no further damage has beencaused.

A moreserious injury can involve a tear or rupture of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament(ACL) which is responsible for maintaining stabilisation of the knee joint. Surgeryis often the only remedy following a ligament injury, with 90% resulting in asuccessful recovery. Due to the nature of the injury and the surgery howeverthe patient is typically out of action for up to a year.

Sports brace technology

Sports bracesare becoming more and more visible among professionals, whether on the tenniscourt or football field. Braces and supports have been around for years, withthe likes of back braces being used for both sports injuries and day to dayinjuries. The main difference with sports braces is that they are designed toenhance performance and are manufactured in breathable material which can stilloffer enhanced compression whilst not restricting movement.

Sports bracesare available for all areas of the body. In considering cycling the key bracesfocus on the back with back braces and knee injuries through the use of a kneesupport. The knee support is manufactured to manage specific conditions Cheap Anthony Averett Jersey , frompatella tendonitis to ligament damage. It is important to select a knee supportto cater for your injury, as there are a variety of injuries associated withcycling, each with their own degree of severity.

What isinteresting with the use of a knee support is that depending on the model youopt for they can work as both a preventative measure or as part of your recoveryplan. A knee support in general is designed to offer protection and supportwhen you need it most, allowing you to remain active for longer.

A materialbased knee support is designed to offer compression and support of the jointwith a support which fits closely around your joint. Compressive materials fitcomfortably and snuggly to not only give you additional support but to bediscreet so that they can be worn under clothing. The breathable material alsoensures that during activity they don聮t slip as a result of increasedperspiration, making the knee support less effective.

A rigid kneesupport is designed to offer maximum protection against impact damage and usedwithin high impact sports such as snowboarding, skiing Cheap Jeremy Kerley Jersey , wakeboarding andmotocross. With 40% of all ligament damage occurring as a result of high impactsports it is important to protect the joint as much as possible. The rigidstyled knee support is all about protection rather than rehabilitation and willnot be seen on a football field or tennis court.

Whether youare looking to buy back braces or a knee support聽you need to ensure you select the correct one for the condition youwish to manage. If you are ever in doubt as to which option to select youshould speak with a clinician who will be able to offer a professional diagnosisand recommend not only the correct support for you, but other methods of recoveryto get you active and fit again faster.


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