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Sadly, this was not to be rs

Together with Redsteel136 as the new General Secretary of the party, the communists pursued a strategy of market reforms to RuneScape gold construct a powerful economy.

Karamja is a in-game island inhabited by NPC pirates and (in hindsight, over a little racist caricatures of) native people. In a screen of commendable anti-imperialist solidarity between socialists in the imperial core and colonised peoples, General Secretary Redsteel136 acknowledged the virtual island right to national liberation. Administration of this island has been handed over to a Karamjan clan who've, sadly, gone unrecorded in history.

Life in Server 32, it appears, settled for a time following the chaos of the civil war. But, measures executed in late 2007 from the programmers of RuneScape to restrain real-world cash trading had put a catastrophic chain reaction in motion. Jagex, the company that produces RuneScape, needed to counteract the issue of virtual marketplaces like eBay allowing the sale of in-game things for money. To be able to prevent players in-game from handing over valuable things for nothing, a very clear sign that payment was received in US Dollars rather than Gielinorian Gold Pieces, Jagex set the costs of all in-game items at fiat values. All products were subsequently needed to trade for any number of gold pieces inside a predetermined range below or above that fiat value. That value could vary up or down as things were exchanged, but it might only increase or reduction by a restricted amount over a given interval.

The impacts of this dastardly economic imperialism from the capitalist running dogs at Jagex were devastating to Server 32's employees' state. The incredibly rare, highly sought-after items like colourful paper Party Hats or the (strangely priceless) Half Full Jugs of Wine had had their fiat values set orders of magnitude lower than their market value. Items which had once sold for billions of pieces were impossible to exchange --and the market imploded, since the economy had been founded by the economy reforms of General Secretary Redsteel136 on those items.

In October, the economy bottomed out in its historic low. Nonetheless, the party continued to hold out, trusting that high-level items' tradeable cost would finally grow high enough to allow for an eventual recovery. Sadly, this was not to be. In the grasp of market collapse, the communists were incapable of devoting sufficient tax revenue to meet with the clan fees necessary for them to preserve power. As Buy rs 3 gold the sun set on the last days of December 2008 General Secretary Redsteel136 dissolved the party and returned power.

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