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In order to be a Christian entrepreneur you do not n

LUSAKA , March 6 (Xinhua) -- Zambia's soccer governing body has arranged a friendly match with Rwanda scheduled for this month end, a statement posted on its website said on Friday.

The Chipolopolo will face the Wasps in an international friendly match to be played at the National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka on March 29.

According to the statement, March 29 is a FIFA international day for friendly matches and the Football Association of Zambia has clinched the deal with the Rwanda Football Association.

Christian entrepreneur is not a very common or accepted term among Christians. You see most Christians have a wrong notion about business. Business as it is today has gained a bad reputation because of many unscrupulous businessmen. Most business today is focused on profits and greed is the motive.

Greed can get the best of you if you do not watch it. Greed is so deceptive it can creep up unannounced on real Christians as well. That is why we threw the baby out with the bath water long time ago in our churches.

But the pathetic syndrome is we go crawling on our knees to businessmen for donations for our ministries. See how inconsistent our attitude is. We abhor business men but crawl to them for money. Many missions and church ministries are supported largely by Christian entrepreneurs, trusts, funds and donations of businesses.

So in this world of greed and illegal business practices how can you as a Christian stand up and do business and make decent money? The bible is not against business but against sinful business practices. The bible says that unethical, illegal and deceptive business practices are frowned upon by God. But he blesses a righteous business man.

You do not have to engage in sinful business habits to make money. God can help you succeed in business with godly principles and practices. As a Christian entrepreneur you need to get involved in the world to be a light and salt to this earth. We should not hide behind our pious holy attitude and stay in a job.

Be brave and get out of hiding and start your own business ventures. There are plenty available today online on the web. There is work at home opportunities that do not demand huge sums of capital or equipment. Most can be started with just a computer and an internet connection.

There are also free training courses if you are new to learn. To be a Christian entrepreneur you can start in your spare time. When you are successful you can go full time. It is not difficult to earn as much or more as you made in a job. As an employee you make money for some one else with your abilities and talents.

Imagine doing the same for yourself and for the kingdom of God. You can be a Christian entrepreneur and show the world how you multiplied the talents God gave you. You will be in a position to give. Only when you make money more than what you need can you give to others in need and missions.

In order to be a Christian entrepreneur you do not need any special calling or talents. All you need is the recognition that God made you special and gave you talents. He said to Adam to take care of the earth, be fruitful and multiply.

Remember you cannot take care of the earth, fruitful and especially multiply when you work as an employee for some one else all the days of your life. Get out of the rut from a job and get into you own business multiply and prosper. God will make you Christian entrepreneur and a blessing to many.

I found some very interesting information on Christian Home Business .

And also found useful help on Christian Entrepreneurs and how to get a lot of member benefits.
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