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They do not have some buffs for allies. These children are simply a straight damage-dealing class. It is tough to experience simply because they lack lots of armour compared with other classes. This can make MaplestoryM Mesos allowing you to have to actually dodge and prevent all the bosses' attacks absolutely.
There is a skill called"Fatal Blow" that turns all your attacks to crit damage for 25 minutes. Knowing how to cycle and maintain abilities for damage is extremely simple with assassins, these types of the key words being about crit damage at this time in KMS2, it can make these kinds super strong for damage dealing.Maplestory:Botters still a Problem at KSH
Yes, it's one of these threads . Regrettably this is an issue that wont only go away.I'm a pretty patient person for the most part but becoming incredibly restless after seeing no action taken against cheaters because mergers occurred.
I've sent in movies and they've been checked. Nearly every single one of these reveal clear signs that there is either hacking or even the use of macros. The only thing you guys need to do is get about the game rather at later hours once the majority of them will be research and sleeping. These guys bot almost all day. A number of these all day.
GMs really cleaned the server up. However, how to get maplestory m mesos with the recent merge with YMCK, the server has become incredibly polluted with trash. No offense to YMCK generally. I don't refer to you , but 95 percent of the botters now on our host came from YOUR server. This leads me to think the majority doesn't give a **** about cheating on your own server and totally adopt it.
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