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POE 3.4 Ranger Build - Deadeye | Raider | Pathfinder

Ranger is an extremely popularclass in Path ofExile. Her natural quickness grants her a profound chance to avoid damage, and he or she tends to garb herself learn how to leathers and cloth.Because of this special benefit, lots of players have tried this character in theDelve league and created build with various skills and equipment. The following summarizes some in the most popular Ranger builds, these builds can be obtained on our POE Currency website, I hope you might have something you enjoy!
Deadeye Builds
[POE 3.4 Ranger Deadeye Kinetic Blast Build - Fast Magic Find]
[POE 3.4 Ranger Deadeye Elemental Hit Build - High DPS & Budget Friendly]
[POE 3.4 Ranger Deadeye Tornado Shot Build - High Damage & Fast Clear Speed]
Raider Builds
[POE 3.4 Ranger Barrage Raider Build - Magic Find Windripper]
[POE 3.4 Ranger Raider Cuastic Arrow Build - Cheap and Easy to Play]
Pathfinder Builds
[POE 3.4 Ranger Pathfinder Build - Hight Dps with Poet pen]
[POE 3.4 Ranger Pathfinder Toxic Rain / Caustic Arrow Build - High Clearing & Movement Speed]
[POE 3.4 Ranger Pathfinder Herald of Agony Build - High Dps & League Starter]
Deadeye Builds1.POE 3.4 Ranger Deadeye Kinetic Blast Build - Fast Magic Find
Pros & Cons
+Fast and Strong
+Magic Find.
+Evasion and Dodge
+Far Shot Playstyle
-Not an excellent "all-around" build
-Have to reroll some map mods
-Single Target
-Tough to League Start with
-Have not tested Hardcore
-Can be high budget
Gems and Links
Kinetic Blast - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Ice Bite/Added Cold* - Added Lightning Damage - Damage on Full Life
Check the three. Gems and Links section to view what gems do the job!
Herald of Ice - Onslaught - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark
Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Vaal Grace
Ice Golem - Cast When Damage Taken - Culling Strike - Blind
Flame Dash - Faster Casting - Vaal Breach
Decoy Totem
PoB Link:
2.POE 3.4 Ranger Deadeye Elemental Hit Build - High DPS & Budget Friendly
Deadeye: Gathering Winds -> Fast and Deadly -> Far Shot -> Ricochet
Help Alira
Major: Arakaali (Unlock Arachnoxia)
Minor: Doesn't really matter
(Elemental Hit + GMP + Mirage Archer + Combustion + WED + Fire Pen)
For AoE: swap Fire Pen with Cold to Fire should you not use Pyre.
Single Target
5L: Elemental Hit + Combustion + WED + Fire Pen + Slower Proj
6th link: Empower lvl 4 or Faster Attacks or Damage on Full Life
Frostferno 4L: Ele Hit + Combustion + WED + Fire Pen or Damage on Full Life (~12% more dps than Fire Pen should your life is full...)
- Vaal Haste
- Grace in case you are using Queen in the Forest
- You may use Herald of Ash to be able to improve AoE clear
- Orb of Storms + Power Charge on Crit + Curse on Hit + Proj Weakness vs. Bosses / Guardians / Shaper OR: gloves with Elemental Weakness on hit corruption (but only if you may manage to have this corruption with a really nice couple of gloves)
- Blink Arrow
- Ice Golem
- Blood Rage
PoB Link:
3.POE 3.4 Ranger Deadeye Tornado Shot Build - High Damage & Fast Clear Speed
Pros & Cons
+ Extremely fast clearer, possibly fastest, especially at higher tiers where weaker build like autobomber can't clear effectively.
+ Excluding Uber Elder, it could clear everything with no trouble, Uber Elder is doable based on gear, although build will not be made for that.
+ Highly survivable for just a bow build.
- Like most bow builds it is rather expensive, even with a starter level, this build has a even higher gear cap than other bow builds.
Fast and Deadly > Gathering Winds > Far Shot > Ricochet
All the ascendancy are excellent, probably not sure an order to get them in. Probably shouldn't level on this anyway.
Has the resistance that people need
Map mods
Elemental/Physical Reflect: Save until mirror sextant, reroll should you not use sextants. Phys reflect gets out of control and can kill you when you get too many Headhunter buffs.
PoB Link:
Raider Builds1.POE 3.4 Ranger Barrage Raider Build - Magic Find Windripper
Pros & Cons
+ Can run 100% unique items with relative ease, hence the gearing is straightforward and smooth
+ Can run maps around t16 without difficulty (however the bosses get tricky from t14 and onwards if you do not invest enough)
+ Only a few with the uniques are "mandatory" (And even next the build functions without)
+ The league gear for the character won't change the dps
- Has a low health pool initally (around lv 70-80), will take a while to ramp that up
- Has a substantial (For those who consider 4-5ex a good deal) starting cost
- Not SSF viable, sure it is possible to farm the wind cards as well as the ventors gamble cards even so the rest are rare-ish and possess extremely rare/no divination cards
- For the build to truly feel its best it needs at least 2 5links (or maybe a 5l along with a tempest's binding) and also a rigwald's quills.
From lvl 1: Equip Goldrim, wanderlust and whatever unique things you have otherwise that work well for melee (cleave preferably)
Level 8: Equip Meginord's girdle (Great strength and dmg suppliment) Get leap slam
Level 9: Use Hrimsorrow and route to Winter spirit for the tree at the earliest opportunity (you may refund these points when you're fully levelled)
Level 12: Equip Tabula rasa and hang up the gem you have for damage inside linked to two other damage supports, I normally use added cold support, added lightning support and onslaught support
Level 18: Get better gem links from act 2 Yeena, e.g. melee physical damage, maim, faster attacks (for both your dmg skill and leap slam) and get yourself a herald of ash
Continue this soon you kill act 3 Gravicius and obtain Cyclone, be sure you upgrade your weapons with rares across the way
Level 30: Equip a Thief's torment, it will fix all of your life gain/mana gain issues using your levelling process until around level 57
Level 33: Equip a reaper#s pursuit for increased clearspeed and big dmg
Level 49: Equip an Uul-Netol's Kiss to improve your damage greatly
Level 57: replace your rings with rares with resists and life
Level 66-8: Start the transition into windripper, equip your ripper, your rigwald's quills, your bisco's collar as well as your queen from the forest. Replacing your other gear with evasion stuff with higher life.
PoB Link:
2.POE 3.4 Ranger Raider Cuastic Arrow Build - Cheap and Easy to Play
Pros & Cons
+ Cheap starting cost, great league starter
+ Very simple to play
+ Tanky end game, over 6000 life and also high evasion + dodge
+ Fast without flasks (over 80% ms, high AS)
+ Flexible build, adjust the amount you wish to go MF / damage / tanky
+ Can run literally any map mod, including "No regen"
+ Capable of clearing all end game content
+ 79% max res while mapping (Divination Distillate)
+ Permanent flask uptime while mapping (except bosses)
- Mediocre single target damage
- Slightly expensive end game gear
- Weak against physical spells
First and a lot important to keep in mind - when looking for equipment, your priority with them is Life and Resistances. Links are just as important, be sure to check for correct socket colors. This applies to every one acts.
Act 1-3 needs to be very easy generally. That's where you slowly shape increase main skill. Majority in the necessary gems are rewards from quests. The ones you'll be able to't, you'll be able to buy at a Nessa, Yeena and Siosa since you progress throughout the main story.
In act 4 you need to have good resistances, especially fire resist. Outside of that, it really should be a breeze. It's a great idea to go into Labyrinth when you finally find waypoint inside Crystal Veins. Should trivial now.
Act 5 is the place things get small bit tougher. Monsters available are quite dangerous also it's recommended to own capped fire and lightning resitances. It's also a period of time where bleed removal life flask is required. I recommend to farm Chambers of Innocence and soon you reach level 45 then face the Innocence himself. Next boss is Kitava, 1600 own life is enough to tank most of his abilities.
Once you arrive in act 6, look at your resistances. If they're below 60%, you ought to pick up Purity of Elements from Clarissa (act 3) - utilize it instead of Grace aura and soon you solve the resistance problem. It's recommended to own them capped prior to final boss.
Act 7 painless. Beware of ghosts in the Crypt, they're able to hit quite hard.
Act 8 features Deodre, construction boss you encounter during levelling. It's relatively safe in case you have 2500 life, but that could possibly be hard to acquire. After that, the act will probably be trivial. It's good to own freeze removal flask for Lunaris area, just in case you don't have it already. Kill the final boss of the act and start working on Blood Acqueducts.
PoB Link:
Pathfinder Builds1.POE 3.4 Ranger Pathfinder Build - Hight Dps with Poet pen
All the build revolves about the Zerphi flask. Let's have a look at the descrpition:
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">50% increased Charges used
Skills used during Flask effect grant (450-600)% of Mana Cost as Life over 4 Seconds
That means only Life Recovery Rate, +% Flask Effect plus the Mana Cost individuals skills are affecting simply how much the Zerphi heals you.
That means likewise you ought to deplete enough mana constantly to hold the Zerphi working
Let's bear that in mind as we delve deeper in to the build mechanics.
Pros & Cons
+ Can facetank everything with end game gear.
+ Decent real DPS, estimated around 600k min. for UElder encounter
+ Good clearspeed if it is possible to handle bodyswap
- May not be friendly to cheap players
- No Ele reflect maps
- Everything messing up with Flasks, Life Recovery Rate, Mana Regen/Gain or Mana Cost.
There is usually a before with an after Zerphi. Before the Zerphi:
You wish to level your Blood Magic gems
You want to hold Frenzy on 4 links
You don't wish to use the Fevered Minds
Same costs the Watcher's eye, you'll be able to use Herald of Ash or Artic Armour prior to you buying it rather than Vitality.
Before acquiring your 2 Poet's, it is possible to play virtually whatever you desire, nevertheless for Delve i'd advise Caustic Arrow, you may even grab the Master Herbalist ascendancy first before respec later.
For Phys reflect mods, before acquiring Xoph's, you'll be able to pick "Avatar of Fire" inside your tree as an alternative to an empty jewel socket
Whatever the league is, there can be a way to farm your individual Zerphi: it is possible to loot the divination card "The Mayor" inside map Ivory Temple.
With a collection, you may acquire a Perandus Manor map.
Same applies Xoph's Blood: farming breach mods (sextant or Zana)
PoB Link:
2.POE 3.4 Ranger Pathfinder Toxic Rain / Caustic Arrow Build - High Clearing & Movement Speed
Pros & Cons
+ great clearing speed as a result of CA buffs.
+ excellent to run maps and delves for the reason that only mods you dont would like to run
aren't any leeching with out regen.
+ great to run delves with.
+ high evasion and movement speed.
- really weak single target till you will get key items (6l +3 Bow, Dying Sun, Impresence, 21/20 CA, Empower lvl 3/4 )
Gems Links
Caustic Arrow
Caustic Arrow - Empower - Concentrated Effect - Vicious Projectile - Swift Affliction - Void Manipulation
Toxic Rain
Toxic Rain - Void Manipulation - Vicious Projectile - Slower Projectile - Withering Touch - Mirage Archer
Herald of Agony
Herald of Agony - Minion Damage - Vicious Projectile - Lesser Multiple Projectile
Immortal Setup
Immortal Call (lvl 3) - Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 2) - Increased Duration - Phase Run
Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks
Decoy Totem
Rallying Cry
PoB Link:
3.POE 3.4 Ranger Pathfinder Herald of Agony Build - High Dps & League Starter
Pros & Cons
+ High DPS whether or not budget. Ideal for League Starter.
+ You need 0 mandatory uniques. SSF-able.
+ You are ranged and minion shatters enemies. Fairly safe.
+ Unlimited flasks for boss sustain.
+ Can do all contents. Including a myriad of boss fights, map mods, delving deep, and in many cases phasing through darkness for fossils while you are out of sulphite.
- You need to get used to the sometimes-buggy minion AI. I have this fixed here.
- Proximity Shields are annoying.
- Mods that reduces possible opportunity to poison are going to be a bit harder.
- You have hardly any armour or evasion. Survival could well be based on your own crowd control skills and flasks.
Gems Setup
Herald of Agony
Minion Speed
Damage on Full Life
Minion Damage
Physical to Lightning
Swap: Vicious Projectiles, Summon Phantasm on Kill, Critical Damage
Rain of Arrows
Life Gain on Hit
Blood Magic
Curse on Hit
Assassin's Mark
Optional: Blind, Knockback, Chance to Flee, Maim
Abyssal Cry for faster pack clears. Minion Damage nodes do affect its damage as you are also impacted by those nodes.
Spirit Offering
Immortal Call
Increased Duration
Cast on Damage Taken
Vaal Haste or Vaal Impurity of Ice
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