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When you need to use cheapest Maplestory 2 Mesos

When you need to use Maplestory 2 Mesos certain skills, and how you need to use specific skills. This course is really hard to play against bosses, cuz when the bosses aren't staying in the same place, then it gets difficult to get your harm in. That is why this class is not recommended by me.Assassin: (extended selection, the very best Nuker at MS2, difficulty level: high) They don't have any fans for allies. This class is just straight damage dealing

class. It's tricky to play with this course, since they lack a lot of armor compared to other courses, making it so you have to really dodge and prevent each of the bosses' attacks absolutely. They've a skill known as"Fatal Blow", which turns every one of your attacks to crit damage for 20 minutes. Learning to cycle and maintain skills for harm is very easy with the Assassin class, and on account of this meta being

about crit harm right now makes this class very very powerful damage dealing class.Soul Binder: (long range, have their own unique skill gauge, also a nuking course, and has a great deal of debuffs, difficulty level: high) Just like the berserker class, they've got their own unique skill gauge known as the"Gate of Mantra" and"Liberation of Nirvana", which charges a exceptional ability known as"Mantra Core", which fans all your attacks to cope a good deal of strong damage, and it also

applies debuffs to the enemy, giving it a MS2 Mesos supporting impact. Although they have a great deal of mobility, the animation throw is quite lengthy, so it becomes very frustrating to play this course sometimes. If you can manage this frustration, then the benefits are great, so I really do recommend this class.This guide is for everybody! The two Veterans and Beginners, will find out how to create & make

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