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Reed’s 215-yard approach Jersey

Reed’s 215-yard approach Jersey
If the golf even approaches the heights of the buildup, stand by for quite a show. Who Seth Jones Youth jersey said the Masters begins only on the Sunday back nine?

Eighteen months have passed since Patrick Reed and Rory McIlroy went toe-to-toe and blow-for-blow in an epic Ryder Cup tie. We ain’t seen nothing yet. This battle for a Green Jacket promises to be one for the ages, with Reed holding the ace card of starting Sunday three ahead. Fourteen under plays 11 under.
Reed emerged victorious from that electric Hazeltine encounter, with McIlroy later admitting fatigue got the better of him. On Sunday in this, the 82nd Masters, the Northern Irishman need only keep control of his fluctuating emotions as the tantalising prospect of a clean sweep of major championships homes into view. There is no question of tiredness halting McIlroy now but Reed’s stubbornness in opposition cannot and will not be taken lightly. Reed could become the first ever Masters winner to shoot four sub-70 rounds.
McIlroy has waited seven years to be in the last Masters pairing. How he reacts will draw glances from beyond golf. It is hardly a leap of faith to point out the majority within the sport will root for the Ulsterman. McIlroy himself was brilliantly bullish on Saturday evening as he firmly laid down the gauntlet to Reed. McIlroy’s day-three 65 outscored Reed by two.
“Patrick has a three-shot lead; I feel like all the pressure is on him,” said McIlroy. “He has got to protect that and he has some pretty big-time players behind him. He has to sleep on that tonight. I feel like I have nothing to lose.
“My game is right there. I don’t feel like there is any shot on the golf course that I can’t execute and I think I’ve shown that in the last three Marvin Jones Jr Youth jersey days. This isn’t my first time in this position. I have a lot of experience and experience that I have learnt from, good and bad.”
In a further, obvious jab McIlroy added: “I know what it’s like to be in Ahkello Witherspoon Youth jersey that position. It isn’t easy, especially if it’s your first time. I’m going to free‑wheel it and play like I have nothing to lose, everything to gain. Which is true.”
Reed had dropped a shot at the 12th hole when seeing his lead over McIlroy reduced to two. The battle was on; the Northern Irishman saved par from the middle of an azalea bed ahead at the 13th. Proof that Reed lacks nothing in competitive spirit was to follow.
Reed’s 215-yard approach to within 14ft of the 13th hole might be the shot of this tournament. The Texan duly converted for an eagle. That Reed may have the golfing gods, as well as obvious talent, in his corner could be readily inferred two holes later. Reed, in a tricky lie 30 yards out from the flag on 15, chipped in for another two-stroke boost. For McIlroy hope, unlikely hope, appeared one hole later as Reed three-putted for a bogey. Better was to come for McIlroy before he strode so purposefully from the 18th green following a birdie. Reed missed an opportunity for the same. wholesale jerseys from china cheap jerseys wholesale nfl jerseys wholesale jerseys cheap jerseys

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