Maplestory 2 performs one last Joint Attack |
Bladefall: Your Tempest Blades rain down upon the enemy, oozing deadly magma where they land to incinerate enemies. Only usable with Tempest Blades summoned. Unaffected by attack reflection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, Each blade strikes for 520% damage 4x and makes a pool of magma where it lands, Cooldown: thirty to MapleStory 2 Mesos seconds.
The magma hits nearly 12 enemies dealing in MS 2 Mesos 728% damage 6 times. Final Form: Tempest Blades and magma's attack counts increase by 1.
Twin Blades of Time: Alpha and Beta attack together to demolish the enemy. Hold the skill critical for perform a group of linked attacks.
Immediately performs one last Joint Attack when Alpha and Beta's skills end, or once the key is released.
Level 1: Time Force Cost: 80, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Invulnerable while casting skill, Cooldown: 120 seconds.
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