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The Importance of Bookkeeping in a Business

Author: Alan Butler

f you run your own business Astros Andy Pettitte Jersey , no matter what size, bookkeeping is a legal requirement by H M Revenue and Customs http:www.hmrc.govsarec-keep-self-emp.htm . Basic records you must keep Your basic records will normally include:

a record of all your sales, with copies of any invoices you've issued

a record of all your business purchases and expenses

invoices for all your business purchases and expenses

details of any amounts you personally pay into or take from the business

copies of business bank statements

You or your accountant will use these records to create a profit and loss account - which shows the sales income you've received and the expenses you've paid, and what profit loss you've actually made. Your tax liability will be based on this. Other records you must keep All businesses are different and there are many specific types of detailed records that may need to be kept. Some examples of records you should keep include:

cash book

petty cash book

order notes and invoices

copy sales invoices

details of any other business income received

details of any private money brought into the business

till rolls or other form of electronic record of sales

details of any other income

any cash taken out of the till to pay small business expenses

bills and invoices for purchases and expenses

a record of stock on hand at the end of the year

all bank and building society statements, pass books, cheque stubs and paying-in slips which include details of business transactions

If you do not keep accurate and complete records you may end up paying more tax than is due because of lack of evidence of tax deductible expenditure orand inaccurate sales records causing H M Revenue and Customs to assess your expected sales.
If you pay an accountant to prepare your accounts they will charge you based on how long it will take them. If your records are more accurate this will reduce the time taken and therefore reduce the amount they charge. The above reasons are sufficient to ensure you keep good books and records but the most important reason is to ensure you have control over your business and that you can assess its profitability and the cash flow situation therefore ensuring you are aware of any potential problems as soon as possible and can make business decisions with all available information at hand.
One way to ensure that you keep good records is to invest in good bookkeeping software .

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About the Author:
Alan Butler is a director of A Butler and Company, chartered certified accountants, based in Derby, providing a personalised service to local business owners and individuals.

Four Software Limited, 5A Darley Abbey Mills, Darley Abbey, Derby, DE22 1DZ, Tel 01332 200 604, Fax 01332 344329, Four Software
Email bookkeepi Dragon boating is a popular game originated in China centuries ago. The festival was devoted for pleasing “Goddess of Rain” for a good harvesting season. International Dragon Boating Federation (IDBF) has been established to control and organize competition globally. Special awareness campaigns have been run in this game to increase the popularity of this game.

Dragon Boating Game

A dragon shaped watercraft is needed to glide on the water with enough space to accommodate crew members. Dragon boating is a group or a team game which requires a minimum of 22 persons to take part in the competition. A drummer who beat the drum to create a rhythm of paddling for crew members in practice or race. A steersman who gives direction to the boat while team members are paddling during the match.

Health Benefits for Players

Playing dragon boating brings a lot of health benefits to players. Increase stamina with rigorous exercise and make the body fit. Rigorous practices before participating in the game help in increasing the stamina of the body for long distant racing. The game increase strength of arms, stomach, and lower parts of the body. Thrilling moments and exploration of water sceneries are additional benefits of playing this game.
How to Select a Paddle Manufacturer?

Choosing a suitable paddle is needed for players to increase thrills in the game. To increase enjoyment, quality paddles need to be used for practicing or participate in the events. Professionals instruct to buy IDBF approved paddles to the players. Top sports paddle manufacturers need to be selected to find high-quality paddles quickly. Using of lightweight paddles helps in rowing the long distance quickly. Otherwise, it will be difficult for players to row in long distant.

Top Accessories Needed in Dragon Boating Game

Players need a proper coordination while paddling in the competition. Several accessories are needed to improve the experience and make the game safe. Accidents can occur, and emergency medical attention is required to avoid fatal injuries. First aid box, wearing of life jacket, seat cushion pad, and other accessories need to be bought from the market. Buy dragon boat accessories from the online stores to avoid problems during the game. It can include blade cover, phone cases, and other accessories to prevent injuries during the game.

How to Select a Paddle?

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