Raiditem: No Risk to Get POE Currency at Safe &Secure Methods in 1h |
That's right. If there's one thing that GGG is reliable to do, it is to keep adding content to Path of Exile. Expansions come out at Raiditem.com a regular cadence packed with fun new adventures for players. This year is no exception! With Delve at its halfway mark, and with players still continuing their journey underground

In an interesting side note, this time there will not be a "Flashback" event. Devs cite the fact that players are still having a blast in and they want to buy POE Currency with lowest price and when they try, they know best place to go!
The PoE site also has some interesting tidbits of information about how players are consuming Delve. This week, the team POE Items provides players with a look at the class breakdown at various levels throughout all Delve leagues. Elementalists, Juggernauts and Pathfinders seem to be popular choices across the board.
Since you take so much reduced elemental damage, it only makes sense to convert physical damage taken into POE Chaos Orb elemental. Using a Lightning Coil, Saffell’s corruption, and Taste of Hate, you can convert 58% of your physical damage taken to elemental. This can be increased by up to 30% by getting the right Watcher’s eye.
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