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YANGON, March 6 (Xinhua) -- A total of 767,000 students have registered to sit for matriculation or university entrance examinations nationwide in Myanmar for the 2016-17 academic year which will end this month, according to the Depar

YANGON, March 6 (Xinhua) -- A total of 767,000 students have registered to sit for matriculation or university entrance examinations nationwide in Myanmar for the 2016-17 academic year which will end this month, according to the Department of Myanmar Board of Examinations Monday.

Of them, 114,000 students from state-run basic education high schools and private schools in the biggest city of Yangon have registered to take the nine-day examinations set for March 8 to 17, Yangon Region Education Office said, adding that 217 examination centers in 44 townships in the region will be open for the examinations.

In addition, 17 examination centers for 174 students residing abroad will also be opened, the sources said.

In the last academic year of 2015-16, over 671,670 students were registered to sit for the examinations conducted at 1,467 centers -- 1,451 within Myanmar and 16 abroad. The year's pass rate was lower by 7.68 percent as compared with the previous year with a total of 190,388 or 29.92 percent passing. Of them, 47,024 students passed with flying color to join the higher education institutions .

The passing score in 2015 was the highest over the previous three years, rated as 37.6 percent.

Students in Myanmar are set to sit for the matriculation examination before joining universities and high score in the exam are required for joining famous higher education institutions such as medical universities, technological universities, maritime university, Yangon University and Mandalay University.

After the end of the matriculation examinations, schools will be closed for summer holidays in the country until it is reopened in June, the start of rainy season.

HIV and AIDS and Women.Today in the United States the HIVAIDS epidemic represents a growing and persistent health threat to women Cheap Michael Hutchinson Jersey , especially young women and women of color. Early in the epidemic, HIV infection and AIDS were diagnosed for relatively few women. In 2002, HIV infection was the leading cause of death for African American women aged 25 to 34 years and was among the four leading causes of death for African American women aged 20 to 24 and 35 to 44 years, as well as Hispanic women aged 35 to 44 years. Overall, in the same year, HIV infection was the 6th leading cause of death among all women aged 25 to 34 years and the 4th leading cause of death among all women aged 35 to 44 years. STATISTICSYes, statistics can be very boring. However, if you are a woman or know one, these numbers are very real.(Statistics are not yet available for 2004). -- (February 2005)Cumulative Effects of HIV Infection and AIDS (through 2003) 芒鈧?Through 2003, 170,679 women were given a diagnosis of AIDS, a number that represents about one fifth of the total AIDS diagnoses. 芒鈧?An estimated 81,864 women with AIDS died. These women account for 16% of the deaths of persons with AIDS.芒鈧?Women with AIDS made up an increasing part of the epidemic. In 1992, women accounted for an estimated 14% of adults and adolescents living with AIDS]. By the end of 2003, this percentage had grown to 22%.芒鈧?According to a recent CDC study of more than 19,500 patients in 10 US cities, HIV-infected women were 12% less likely than infected men to receive prescriptions for the most effective treatments for HIV infection AIDS in 2003芒鈧?An estimated 11,498 women had a diagnosis of AIDS, a number that represents 27% of the AIDS diagnoses.芒鈧?The rate of AIDS diagnoses for African American women was approximately 25 times the rate for white women and 4 times the rate for Hispanic women.芒鈧?African American and Hispanic women together represented about 25% of all US women, yet they account for 83% of AIDS diagnoses reported in 2003.芒鈧?An estimated 88,815 women were living with AIDS, representing 22% of the estimated people living with AIDS. Diagnoses of AIDS in women, by raceethnicity, 2003 (Note: excludes women from U.S. dependencies, possessions and associated nations.HIVAIDS in 2003芒鈧?Heterosexual contact was the source of 80% of these HIV infections.芒鈧?Women accounted for 27% of the estimated diagnoses of HIV infection.芒鈧?The number of estimated HIV diagnoses for women remained stable during 2000芒鈧€?003.Diagnoses of HIV Infection in women, by risk, 2003RISK FACTORS AND BARRIERS TO PREVENTIONLack of Recognition of Partners芒鈧劉 RiskSome women may be unaware of their male partners芒鈧劉 risk for HIV infection (such as unprotected sex with multiple partners, sex with men, or injection drug use). Men who engage in sex both with men and women can acquire HIV from a male partner and can then transmit the virus to female partners. Sexual Inequality in Relationships with MenIt is speculated that some women may not insist on condom use out of fear that their partners will physically abuse them or leave them. Sexual inequality is a major issue in relationships between teenage girls and older men. In one CDC study of urban high schools, more than one third of African American and Hispanic female teenagers had their first sexual encounter with an older man. These teenagers, compared with teenagers whose partners were also teenagers, were younger at first sexual intercourse, were less likely to have used a condom during first and most recently reported intercourse, or were less likely to have used condoms consistently.Biologic Vulnerability and Sexually Transmitted DiseasesA woman is approximately twice as likely as a man to contract HIV infection during vaginal intercourse, according to the CDC. Additionally, the presence of a sexually transmitted disease greatly increases the likelihood of acquiring or transmitting HIV infection. The rates of gonocally marked in the younger age groups (15芒鈧€?4 years).Substance AbuseAn estimated one in five new HIV diagnoses for women is related to injection drug use. Shari. Alvin Kamara Jersey A.J. Bouye Womens Jersey Adrian Peterson Womens Jersey Wholeasale Jerseys China Wholesale Jerseys From China Wholesale NFL Jerseys From China Wholesale Jerseys From China Wholesale Jerseys From China Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys Wholesale Soccer Jerseys

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