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standard structu

Does this sound familiar? A guy is ready to move things in a relationship to a bedtime level. He steps out of his trousers and boxers Karl Joseph Limited Jersey , proud to be unveiling his manhood – and also unveils an overpowering male organ odor that impresses his date in all the wrong ways. Yes, male organ odor is one of the most common member health issues, even for many men who wash their equipment regularly. There can be many causes, but interestingly enough, one of those causes is dry skin.

Dry skin & male organ odor

At first glance, the idea of dry skin causing male organ odor seems counterintuitive. After all, we know that often male organ odor is a problem because of all the sweat (and, more importantly, the bacteria that break down sweat) that accumulates in the male organ area.

The manhood itself tends to generate heat when it is aroused, but the organ also heats up because of all the hair that typically surrounds it and because it is typically kept beneath two heat-creating layers of clothing. With all that heat comes sweat, making for a very moist member.

So how does the manhood skin get dry? And why does that dryness bring about odor?

As many women know (and hence their frequent use of moisturizing lotions and creams), skin is kept moist by the natural oils the body produces. These trap moisture in the skin, keeping it healthy. When a person sweats, they lose some of those oils – and the more sweat in one area, the more oil loss. Without that layer of oily protection, the skin is exposed, vulnerable and can quickly dry out. And that often happens to the skin on and around the male organ. It can result in manhood skin that is flaky or cracked, and vulnerable to cuts and ruptures.

That’s where the odor problem comes in. In addition to visible cracks, dry skin has a multitude of microscopic cracks that we really can’t see - but that bacteria can spot right away. They provide bacteria with a place to nestle and set up a home. And with the bacteria comes the odor.

Fighting it

So what are some steps a guy can take to keep his male organ skin nice and moisturized so he can keep male organ odor at bay?

• Wash it frequently – but gently. Every guy’s skin is different and so there’s no hard and fast rule on how often a man should shower. And sometimes the member may need more washing than the rest of the body. A dude needs to figure out what is appropriate for him – and may need to occasionally “sponge off” the member in addition to regularly showering. But wash it gently. Don’t use soaps or cleansers with harsh chemicals – or with fragrances. It may seem that fragrances would help disguise odor, but they often harm the skin and may dry it out. Towel dry the member by patting it rather than rubbing it.

• Air it out. The manhood needs fresh air like the rest of the body. Guys who live alone (or with understanding roommates or partners) should try to be bare a few hours every day. Sometimes just sleeping in the buff is the easiest way to air the manhood out.

• Use a moisturizing member health crème. Fight dry skin and the resulting male organ odor by daily applying a top drawer member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) after washing. For best results, pick a crème that contains both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to create a “moisture lock” to keep oils in. It also helps if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that discourages free radicals and the damaging oxidative stress they can cause to sensitive male organ skin. Science experiments in chemistry reveals the oddest fact -- molecules have down-right silly names. One doesn't usually think of chemistry topics as humorous but one look at these molecule names and you'll change your thinking on that. Try some of these names for Chemistry Science chuckles.

One molecule is called "arsole". It is the arsenic equivalent of pyrole, and is occasionally seen as a side group in the form of organic arsolyls.

Another molecule is called "Adamantane". This often brings laughter as Adam Ant was an English pop star in the early 1980's famous for his silly songs and strange make up. How did they ever think of this one.

"Bastardane" is a close relative of "Adamantane". It's proper name is "ethano-bridged noradamante". It was a variation of the standard structure and became know as the unwanted child. I have to imagine that the lineage is somewhat in doubt.

Another doozy is "Buckminster Fullerene". This soccer ball-shaped molecule won a Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1996. It is of course, named after the architect Buckminster Fuller, who designed the geodesic dome. It is sometimes referred to as "Bucky Ball", and is also known as "Footballene". Why was this so special as to win a Nobel prize, I do not know.

"Megaphone" gets its name from being both a constituent of "niba Megaphylla" and a ketone. This one shouts loudly in order to be heard.

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