Tera Online: Patch "The Argon Queen" now live for US players |
The Patch "The Argon Queen" for your MMORPG Tera Online is available nowadays for North American Tera - players live and brings some changes.
For the US version in the online role-playing game Tera Online Patch "The Argon Queen" has become published. With him battlefields receive entry into Tera, that ought to be a grounds for joy for PvP fans. The battlefields are equipped for 15-player groups are usually available where you can ten-minute cooldown. With "The Argon Queen" You also have the chance participate raids, which focus on 20-player groups, and give you new challenges.
If you desire, one example is, from the Nexus Traverse, your raid must first destroy the Nexus. Also awaiting you three new Max-level instances. Argon Corpus, the principle base of argon. Sirjuka gallery that you have to defend a crystal with the residents. And of course Manaya's core - the Cave of Shandra Manaya who personally Argon Queen. Can the trailer with the patch a person looks you below this message. The full patch notes can be obtained on the official site of https://www.mmoah.com/tera/tera-items
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